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4/17/2024 3:27:13 AM

More People Leaving Matches?

Maybe I'm crazy but it seems like I'm loading into a lot more games in progress and seeing quite a few more people leaving matches than prior to the last sandbox update. Anyone else noticing this too?

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  • Mercy active did not work properly if you get over 50 lead but still crushing after 70 or over points. Some players left that match that it become unplayable to players. I do accept loss but if some players leave match for no reason at all and even enemy players lead 10 points over. Once my teammates leaves, enemy players overwhelmingly or crushing me for over points. I will leave too. It nothing to do with skills issues but I want enjoy the game. Now I can’t.

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  • I leave when I feel there is bs or it's too laggy. I love getting leaving penalties as well. In non ranked/competitive games, where people can still join mid game, there should be ZERO leaving penalties. I guess bungie wants me to smash my gaming system in anger and doesn't care about the players...oh wait they never did especially a non streamer like me

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    5 답변
    • Absolutely noticing this. Its really simple too. Lots of incapable players with the skill to get to level 50. Rewards are what people are after so if it is evident they won't complete the next 10 rounds.. why stickit out another 10-15 minutes. With the activity being abouty an hour to omcplete the 50 waves.. people may run out of actual time to play.. so they log out. If I load into a match already in progress and its evident why the last person left.. i'm not sinking anytime into it. Bungie just forgets how people play and consume their content. Maybe its worse.. maybe they don't really care at all.

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    • Yeah balance has been atrocious I’ve quit several just out of protest. It’s not worth the frustration. I hate to quit but when two players on one team have 30 kills each and no one on my team has above 10 that’s when you know the other team has received the favor of the servitor gods And when I can normally run with a kill count of 20 to 25 per game and then magically I can’t get a final blow at all, well that’s just Bngie bs. Sadly they don’t care about us having a consistent experience.

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    • Team balance and connection quality are both even worse than before, people don’t stay when their team doesn’t stand a chance and/or shots are not registering.

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      1 답변
      • Because sticking around when the bullets don’t frcking register is -blam!-.

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        7 답변
        • They seriously need to crack down hard on quitters. I understand network dropping off but outright quitting nope

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          3 답변
          • Yes it is crazy matchmaking these days. Crucible is unplayable. Control has been -blam!- and comp has been readjusted but both have veey bad lobby matchmaking. It is either stomp or be stomped nothing in between like it seems... bungie please fix matchmaking

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          • Definitely. And yes, I am leaving as well more often. It also generates a snowball effect cause more people are loading into already running games which are skewed leaving again immediately. I believe it's the consequence of abysmal matchmaking and whatever Bungie changed it made things worse. As weird as it sounds, Trials currently has relatively spoken the best/most balanced matchmaking. Comp is off pulling in players from different skill levels. Forget about rank, it doesn't work and rank is obviously not indicative of skill. Worst of all is QP control. Stomp fest like we had years ago when new YouTubers/streamers sprang like mushrooms bragging about 40+, 50+ kill streaks.

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            9 답변
            • I stay, but Matchmaking is unacceptable. Many people, understandably, don’t want to sit through an engineered loss. The frequency of quitting is directly proportional to how bad the MM is in any given era. Right now it’s really bad so quitting is off the charts. I had hope that Bungie was going to do something about the one sided MM but it’s just more of the same… perhaps even worse than before.

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              3 답변
              • it frustrates me that people leave a "casual" PvP game mode in the hopes that it preserves their K/D

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                2 답변
                • yup. im also noticing most of my matches im 1v11. Haven't left this many matches since Beyond light.

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                  2 답변
                  • Matchmaking is the devil.

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                  • Well, more blessings incoming. Just read the news bans/penalties will be extended account wide, not restricted to characters anymore. I am fully convinced that will solve the issue.

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                  • Blame the maps too….i rarely am in the mood to waste 10 mins on Disjunction, Citadel, Cathedral….etc

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                  • Haha it’s a vicious circle now ! So many quitters now it just messes up the flow . Last time I played control I was put into 3 games back to back which were mercies . Logged out .

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                  • I mean, I'll play my first match of the day and get thrown into a game in progress while on the losing team. I've joined games where I spawn in with a few seconds on the clock. Which is pointless when it took 10 minutes to find a game. Games are always laggy, shots and melees don't even register. It makes me not even want to play. Bungie always pushes some sort of SBMM and connections always suffer. And I have gigabit internet. I think that PvP should just be abandoned and give us more PvE content. Especially, seeing as no matter what happens, the players suffer for it. I play a lot of PvP. I have nearly 20k PvP kills this season. And it just feels awful after this recent content drop. If only we could get what everyone has been asking for; dedicated servers. We've been asking for that since D1. any other game I have played that has a PvP element to it has never felt as bad.

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                  • It's because the balancing is crap. Why would anyone stay with a 10 percent chance of getting beat by a bunch of basement dwelling losers?

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                  • Yes, it's happening a ton. According to someone in this forum it's because there is a glitch that allows you to switch characters without losing points in competitive matches (or something like that). So at the first hint of losing, all the players who care about stats or don't want to get demoted down a level cut and run. The root cause, however, is that many matches are completely unplayable. Until they fix that, I'd expect it to continue.

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                  • I think the comp changes are hilarious. Go to 40 kills in clash and 100 in that control mode, yeah well keep people from jumping off the edge when their teammates quit

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                  • People leave cause they don't like losing. Also, cause they think leaving doesn't affect their stats. That's it. Yea, you gonna see the good ole 'it's cause of poor matchmaking' excuse, but that's just that: an excuse. Say that cause when those same people are winning, they don't complain about matchmaking. They only do it when they lose.

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                    4 답변
                    • The players leave because of the poor matchmaking They also leave because of how players connections are. They leave because how players continue to abuse broken weapons. They leave because of how inaccurate the Rader In this game is. They leave because of team shooting meta. The list goes on but the issues still have and never will be addressed.

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                    • [quote]Maybe I'm crazy but it seems like I'm loading into a lot more games in progress and seeing quite a few more people leaving matches than prior to the last sandbox update. Anyone else noticing this too?[/quote] I leave so I don’t blame others for doing it. Bungie does this -blam!- on purpose all in the name of equity

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                    • I don’t like vsing ghost bullets 🤷

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                      1 답변
                      • Most likely lobby balancing & special ammo changes

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                      • It happened a lot in just plain Normal 10 Wave Onslaught;. A couple of times I was placed in a 50 Wave Normal Onslaught where it was like Level 12 or something;. In another where my Team was just crushing it throughout, I discover in the midst of battle two new players - I felt sorry for them when that omen beckoned in the air of our failure. Twice I entered a Defiant Battleground already in progress in the Ascendant Plane. - the floating Island with all those Blights. I know there were some Network issues last week - is it both quitting and Network issues?

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