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원본 게시물 출처: Wtf is wrong with matchmaking!?
4/16/2024 9:04:08 PM
They're also back to banning people for leaving completely unbalanced matches, because it worked so well the first 850 times they tried it. Learning.

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  • that never changed. you get 3 without a penalty. the matchmaking is just that garbage.

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  • It was gone for awhile. I know I backed out of quite a number of consecutive, far too unbalanced matches just a month or two back that never gave warnings or bans. I'm ok with sticking around in a losing scenario, just as long as we're not 50+ points behind and I'm the only one capturing and getting kills. That happens way too often. I get some where I get run over too. Seems to be like a 50/50 or 60/40 there. Its so bad though. Sucks too because PvP is really the only thing I do besides Onslaught here. Most of the content I genuinely just don't enjoy for what we get out of it. I even gave up on seasonal after running Riven's Lair. Its awful. Onslaught is saved by actually having space. Its really well done. That's all I want is just some space; not a 5'x5' box with 30 enemies.

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  • 작성자: Golden 4/16/2024 9:51:11 PM
    *Cheaters running rampant and people quitting early leaving others screwed* Bungie: I sleep *Me leaving a 2v6 because the game wouldn’t give me teammates after 4 minutes of our cheeks getting clapped* Bungie: Lmao get suspended nerd

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  • Baby steps [spoiler]in year 10 LOLOLOL[/spoiler]

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  • Baby steps when D3 has been leaked.

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