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4/14/2024 3:21:21 AM

Odd Gambit Issue

I played a game of Gambit today on my warlock and an odd thing happened. During the game, the opposing team dropped three Taken on our side and then invaded. When this happened, the hostiles stopped spawning. Once we cleared the Taken and the invader, our team had to wait .5 - 1 minute before the next wave would spawn in a new location. This was on the EDZ map. At the time of the invasion, the active wave was at the trees. Once it started back up again, the next wave was in the back center (the name escapes me). Surprisingly, we managed to win the match regardless (we had good invaders). I am not sure if the pause in mob spawns was experienced by the opposing team. Seems like a very hard thing to recreate but it would not feel good to lose a match due to a possible glitch. Thanks.
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