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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Duskbladesman117 4/6/2024 3:36:33 AM

General subclass feedback for Warlock

I know that ideas for how things should change and opinions on how things should be aren’t really highly regarded pieces of feedback,so I’m going to do my best to voice my thoughts on how every light subclass currently feels instead in this post. Voidwalker: Voidwalker largely feels pointless in most activities at the moment and at times is outright terrible to bring into team settings. It’s overwhelming reliance on kills means that if your allies are also setting things up it’s nearly impossible to get Devour to proc. With it active it must be maintained, which is frustrating since it’s done through kills and none of the aspects/abilities provide a particularly effective way of killing anything. The Chaos Accelerant aspect provides similar effects and bonuses to the “touch of” type aspects but with additional hoops to jump through, making it feel functionally worse with one big exception. That exception is handheld supernova or rather the magnet grenade behavior due to it being so different to the base behavior of the grenade. The Feed the Void aspect provides important bonuses and benefits to the subclass, but feels necessary due to the recent nerfs to base Devour and Voidwalker feels like it needs it to effectively function to begin with making the fact that it isn’t just an inherent part of the subclass kind of disappointing. Having only one melee option, and a rather weak one at that, just doesn’t feel good and unlike Hunter smoke bomb triggering invisibility Pocket singularity NEEDS to kill to trigger Devours effects, something it can’t reliably do in my experience even in lower difficulties. Finally the 2 nova bomb variants feel generally underwhelming compared to every other super in the game that serves a similar function and behaves in a comparable manner. To start vortex novas pull feels weak and practically pointless, calamity nova meanwhile doesn’t feel strong enough or destructive enough to warrant an 8:20 cooldown like it has. Vortex also doesn’t feel deserving of the regen tier it is currently in for the aforementioned reasons. Dawnblade: I’ll admit I’ve largely been upset with this one since the update to it and the other solar subclasses, that being said I don’t necessarily hate it’s current state I just loathe how it is seemingly practically entirely centered around the heat rises aspect. This feels terrible since it doesn’t feel worth it to run phoenix dive without heat rises and the secondary effect of Icarus dash is practically impossible to proc outside of super without heat rises either. This results in the secondary Icarus dash behavior and phoenix dive essentially feeling pointless. There is also the fact that if you do the math then consuming a touch of flame healing grenade with heat rises is arguably worse than just tossing one at your feet, the additional cure stack doesn’t feel worth it, but the additional restoration stack can make all the difference. This is ignoring the fact that the point of the heat rises change was to allow options with regards to one’s grenades like before the update which I do appreciate. That being said it would be nice if the Icarus dash cure wasn’t tied to aerial multi kills and phoenix dive had more of the heat rises behaviors tied to it by default. Stormcaller: Aside from any of the usual complaints about squishiness I’m pretty happy with this one. My only concern is that I almost feel like I’m actively hampering myself and my allies if I’m running lightning surge. While the ability itself is fun and cool it isn’t easy, for me at least, to tell the effective area of the attack and just doesn’t feel as worth it as the other too aspects. Lightning surge just kinda feels out of place and doesn’t seem like it has an effective loop or suitable combo that it really fits.

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