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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
3/28/2024 7:03:42 PM

The "Into the Drops" Emblems kinda need to be given away at this point

Twitch Drop did not appear during 1st stream


1st stream failed to award any watch time


1st stream failed to award full watch time


2nd stream failed to award any watch time


2nd stream failed to award full watch time


Both streams failed to award watch time


Both streams awarded full watch time


I personally don't need these emblems, but they were featured and used as incentive for viewership, so I feel there is responsibility to provide them to everyone due to all the issues plaguing the Twitch Drops experience. Bungie already tweeted about extending the 2nd and 3rd streams' runtime to compensate, but it isn't enough. The Twitch drop campaign didn't even appear for some people during the first stream, they were met solely with the diamond medallions and nothing else during the first stream, so 0% progress was made. I myself, watched the entire second stream and only was credited for an hour, despite them leaving the stream on for 90 minutes. Here are some of the issues I've seen or experienced myself, and I'm not confident this is all of them: - First stream failed to activate the drop campaign, resulting in 0% progress. - First stream failed to award any watch time. - First stream failed to award the full hour of watch time. - Second stream failed to award any watch time. - Second stream failed to provide full 90 minutes of watch time. - I imagine similar issues will occur during the upcoming third stream. Even with Bungie streaming an extra 30 minutes for streams 2 & 3, some people, me included, already experienced too many of the above issues to successfully accumulate three hours of watch time. Considering that many players are invested in collecting emblems, these emblems were promoted as incentives for viewership, and then the continued errors and issues affecting viewers, I feel Bungie needs to own that the Drops were not handled effectively and should just offer the emblems up as global use codes. [i]I've included a poll for a glimpse at those affected. Note, you should see close to 83% if you've been awarded full watch time for both streams so far.[/i]

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