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3/14/2024 12:44:02 AM

How do gg nightfall score work?

I got 260k score but didn't get the skimmer, but the other members did. Are the scores individual or am I just missing smth?

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  • Hi there. Nightfall scores are not your individual points, they're the total team score shown in the bottom right corner of the screen during the strike (also shown at the top of the commendations screen at the end). By "didn't get the Skimmer", do you mean you saw them get the Exotic version of Skimmer after the strike or did they have the Common (white) version?

    게시물 작성 언어:


    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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