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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
3/12/2024 12:52:31 AM

Comp match starts with a 1v3? Really? What a joke.

I was playing my 3 weekly comp games and in the second match, I noticed we were only 4 players, a duo and 2 singles. I thought, this sucks, how can a match load with 2 singles vs a duo? the game mode was countdown in midtown, what a nightmare. BUT I was wrong, your terrible algorithm load us in a 1v3, I was against the duo plus the single! What the hell is that Bungie? You are trying to get more ppl to play comp and look what you do. It's terrible and very discouraging, the match shouldn't start if there are no 6 players in the pool because there is NO protection. Also, I lost 100+ points! WTF!? This is not the way. Thanks for nothing.

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