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3/10/2024 11:35:34 PM

Fireteam Finder Bug

Today (3/10/24) I’ve encountered two separate issues, or at the least what i believe to be issues, with Fireteam Finder. The first is that when trying to join almost ANY ad as a solo player, I’m given an error at the bottom of my screen saying “The amount of players in your fireteam exceeds the listing activity.” I am typically a solo player. The entire day I’ve been solo, aside from what ads I WAS able to join, trying to farm the Prophecy dungeon. I’m receiving this error repeatedly despite being solo trying to join any ad. Nobody is joining me when trying to do this, either. It’s even occurring after a fresh re-launch of the game. The second issue is when applying for any ad that has its setting to “auto-join,” it still makes me submit an application, I do not automatically join the lobby. I am unsure if this is simply how the system works, or an actual issue. Either way, very frustrating. Whenever either of these issues occur, trying again to join the given ad I’m told there’s an unspecified error, and to either try again or try another ad. I’ve spent HOURS dealing with these issues. I’ve re-logged into the game, restarted my game, and restarted my PS5 console several times EACH. I unfortunately have no method of reproduction, as I’ve no idea how my game has landed itself in this state.

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