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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
3/4/2024 9:48:07 AM

Countdown used to be great but now it sucks.

I got so happy when I heard that Bungie had added countdown to PvP again, but then when I played it was a completely different game mode from the original one. Honestly it was horrific and disgusting, they turned the only skill based game mode into the same copy paste game mode as all the others. For those who don't remember or wasn't there to play it back in season 1/2/3 countdown used to be a Trials of the Nine game mode. There were the following win conditions for both teams: Kill the enemy team = Win Plant & detonate the bomb = Win Defuse the planted bomb = Win Everyone only had 1 life, there were no respawns and players could only get back from dying by being revived. This did so people actually had to think and play smarter than the enemy team if they wanted to win. I really hate this disgusting brute force coinflip "meta" that people are playing, it's just a stupid playstyle and it doesn't even work against people who actually play smart, those people are just almost nonexistent in Destiny 2. I know nothing will change unless by miracle, but I just had to vent out that I'm disappointed that the only good game mode got brought back from the grave in a horrible lesser zombie version of what it used to be.

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