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원본 게시물 출처: Why no mention of cheating?
2/28/2024 8:57:39 PM
I genuinely wonder how you would personally know the difference between some one that is on console using M&K versus some one that is on console using controller; also some one who is on PC using M&K versus using a controller. I'm quite sure you cant really tell the difference at all and I have a theory that neither can Bungie really, unless they have a program to detect input on client side ends, but even that would likely just mean nothing since some one could be playing on a computer at that time. And since PVP is now cross-platform, this would mean that these cheaters would be seen everywhere from people on all platforms and, my personal experience is, I never see cheaters ever. Nor do I ever see people that even come close to looking like they're cheating in any capacity. I think it's very easy for people on this forum to say "cheaters" in their thread and immediately get upvotes. Who wouldn't want cheaters banned, I know I do. But the fact is that I rarely ever see them; definitely not to the frequency you claim they are at. I'm willing to bet the people you say are cheating aren't actually cheating, which is probably why you rarely see talk about it. Also, if Bungie is banning people, it's literally their policy to not talk about it publicly or openly on any information platform so I'm not sure why you'd even complain.

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  • You don’t ever see cheaters because you don’t ever play trials. They are rampant everywhere. But that season 20 flawless looks very suspicious.

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  • Did you really just imply I cheated to get my singular, extremely lucky flawless in the one season I did??? LMAO BRUH.

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  • 작성자: SIamin 2/29/2024 2:11:59 PM
    You have a not so great record and a kd south of 1. And all of the sudden you go 7-0 with a 2.5 kd and you were on top of the leader board 5 out of the 7 games. Just saying

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  • I got really lucky a lot of those lobbies were people not really taking things serious. But go ahead and keep accusing me, I literally do not care. Get a life.

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  • If you didn’t care then you wouldn’t reply.

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  • 작성자: Dredgen Truth 2/29/2024 6:59:02 AM
    I play trials frequently, every season, and rarely see cheaters. And I'm on PC. It's significantly easier to cheat on pc than it is on console. This has been known for years now. Like, there's ximming on console, but that's really it. And people do it on pc too, to try and trick their device into giving them console aim assist. Still rarely see it.

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  • 작성자: SIamin 2/29/2024 7:08:46 AM
    Cronus zen is way more common than a xim. It is very easy to tell as well and by far the bigger problem on console.

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  • It's still the same kind of technology. Also, I know this may sound hypocritical considering I just brought it up, but it's probably best to stray away from mentioning types of cheats on these forums. It is known for getting sanctioned, mainly because bringing it up can actually give cheat developers free advertisement. The only reason I felt comfortable mentioning xim is because everybody knows about it at this point.

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  • In the console community it’s the other way around. Cronus is talked about all the time. I rarely hear people talk about xim. I’d definitely say the Cronus is the bigger problem since it can do so much more.

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  • I've seen a few reddit posts where cronus users are starting to get bans. What's crazy is the guys using it only for a mnk adapter are the ones getting banned, while the people that say they use the increased aim assist and anti recoil say they're still using it with no issues. I'm speculating that it's easier to detect the mnk users.

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  • If you’re experienced on your input you can have a hunch, it’s very easy to tell if someone has overlays on stream or something similar. (You need to see their POV)

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  • [quote]I genuinely wonder how you would personally know the difference between some one that is on console using M&K versus some one that is on console using controller; also some one who is on PC using M&K versus using a controller. I'm quite sure you cant really tell the difference at all and I have a theory that neither can Bungie really, unless they have a program to detect input on client side ends, but even that would likely just mean nothing since some one could be playing on a computer at that time. And since PVP is now cross-platform, this would mean that these cheaters would be seen everywhere from people on all platforms and, my personal experience is, I never see cheaters ever. Nor do I ever see people that even come close to looking like they're cheating in any capacity. I think it's very easy for people on this forum to say "cheaters" in their thread and immediately get upvotes. Who wouldn't want cheaters banned, I know I do. But the fact is that I rarely ever see them; definitely not to the frequency you claim they are at. I'm willing to bet the people you say are cheating aren't actually cheating, which is probably why you rarely see talk about it. Also, if Bungie is banning people, it's literally their policy to not talk about it publicly or openly on any information platform so I'm not sure why you'd even complain.[/quote] You can tell by the movement. Its easy to spot.

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  • I wouldn't say "easy," but some movements are only realistically possible on M&K, and when you're playing in console lobbies and see that movement... Well, it's a dead giveaway that the player is using an M&K adapter of some kind. Other cheats are not as easily detected. For instance, I haven't ever been able to tell when someone is using recoil-control macros. It's really hard to detect stuff like reduced recoil and "extra" aim assist because legitimate good players are capable of the same stuff. Finally, lag switching and ddossing are usually pretty obvious. That's good because I think these cheats are the hardest to beat. I'll take a hardware cheat any day over someone ddossong or lagswitching.

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  • So you’re saying, if someone moves they’re cheating. Brilliant that.

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  • [quote]So you’re saying, if someone moves they’re cheating. Brilliant that.[/quote] Movement means two things in this scenario: Movement in how they aim and their player models physical movement. Physical movement can be a bit harder to tell, but an easy way is if someone gradually speeds up or doesn’t. If there’s not acceleration in their movement, they’re MnK. If they do, they’re on console, or at least using a controller. As I said, this is harder to tell but if you watch closely enough it’s noticeable. Movement in aim is very easy to spot. Console players move in increments, because their turn speed is dependent on whatever sensitivity setting they have linked to their controller. You can’t turn a joystick harder, so they move in increments for accuracy. MnK users move in continual motions, and they do so really quickly. Some console players sometimes accuse MnK users of having things like aimbot because of how quickly and accurately they can shoot. You might have already known this and were just trying to troll, but if not, its still good to stay informed 👍

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  • You’re an idiot

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  • *your

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  • 작성자: Meaga 2/28/2024 10:55:32 PM Live footage of you trying to troll on the forums

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