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원본 게시물 출처: Why no mention of cheating?
2/28/2024 6:59:53 PM
I'm not saying that the isn't cheating, but I just don't really see cheating happening very often at all. I see it maaaaaybe once in a blue moon, true cheating that is. I suspect that what you're referring to as "cheating" may actually be Bungie's "catch-up mechanics" in the game. Are you an average 1.2 k/d player (like myself) and in a match, at the beginning you're doing great, but then halfway through the match, it feels like all of a sudden your thumbs stopped working, all of your shots are body shots, and that 0.6 k/d player on the other team has suddenly become super accurate, and destroys you in every gunfight, all the way up until about 2:00 left in the match? Then in the next match, suddenly your the top guy and finish with an "undefeated medal", even though you're playing against the same players from the last match that kept destroying you? Well, my friend, what you're experiencing here, are the catch-up mechanics that are developed into the game, to make the matches "more exciting".

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  • Companies that put in "catch up mechanics" like that get caught. QUICKLY. CoD has failed to get away with it twice in a row. If Bungie was doing it here, people would've figured it out by now. Considering you're the only person I've seen even mentioning the idea, I don't think that's the case.

    게시물 작성 언어:


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  • Bungie does for sure. It was suspected for a long time, until Gambit came along, and then it was so blatant in Gambit that it was undeniable.

    게시물 작성 언어:


    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

  • Gambit never tried to hide that it had catchup mechanics. What we're talking about right now is behind the scenes stuff like skill based damage checks or skill based hit reg, both things that cod got caught implementing. That's not the same thing as gambits sbmm or primeval slayer buffs stacking faster for the team that got the primeval second. Now, notably, they're still absolute BS. But it's transparent.

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  • When have you ever seen Bungie mention "catch-up mechanics"? It just sounds totally made up

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    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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