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원본 게시물 출처: Why no mention of cheating?
2/28/2024 12:25:37 PM
I swear people make it sound like they encounter a cheater every 2 games. I get it's a problem but I hardly ever see a blatant cheater in pvp. Last time I saw a blue special GL with infinite ammo was a couple seasons back. I only see some people use hive magic now a days.

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  • I mean it’s there, are more often than not recently.

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  • 작성자: SEARS // ABSOLUTE KILLA 2/28/2024 6:19:09 PM
    Putting your head in the sand doesn't mean the cheating isn't there, it just means you aren't observant enough to realize it. Pull some stats sometime on that guy who hit every snipe in a comp match, hip fire included. Maybe check out the guy who beamed you with an auto rifle with all headshots from across the map every time he snapped onto you. There's limits to what is possible for even the best players and you will see people exceeding these on a regular basis. I'm not good by any means but even a turd like me can figure out when he's getting BS'd and when he was beat fair and square.

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  • He isnt saying it doesnt happen just that it is far more rare than most people make it out to be. Everyone is quick to call cheater when they get outplayed but no one thinks that the other player is simply better. While cheating does happen in destiny (just like it does in all games), it is nowhere near being common. Most players who call another a cheater a just bad players who cannot do what their opponents do and then call it cheating, so many bad players are acting like 2010 CoD children crying "cheater" whenever they get outplayed.

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  • [quote]Pull some stats sometime on that guy who hit every snipe in a comp match, hip fire included.[/quote] Unless they're streaming and they're on guardian theater , how do you know someone hip fired you with a sniper?

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  • Because they switch from primary and fire too fast for scoping. I'd buy it if I was up in their face... but when it's miles away.. and done repeatedly...nah

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  • Sniper doesn't have the glare when not ads

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  • If I slide out the corner and quick scope someone that's up close, you aren't always gonna see the sniper glare. I've tested this numerous time. The person I ask this question to is always talking about cheater but always really low on the leader board.

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  • Yes I've played pvp before. Comp Trials Quickplay You name it, from my experiences there's never been a bad streak of cheaters in my lobbies. Yes they are there but they're in plethora of pvp games. And I'll believe they stick out now more than ever since all the good pvp players will not play destiny as much anymore. But this community also is one of the worst ones to believe at the same time. A console player will obviously find a pc gamer a cheater.

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