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작성자: MasterCJ117 3/2/2024 10:22:35 PM

Bring Back Optional Sights on Weapons.

You guys used to do it early on and in D1, I assume the main reason it was removed is that balancing was harder with the changes each sight made to zoom, aim-assist, etc. but is there any chance it could return as just a cosmetic change, no stats related to it at all. Not all the sights in the game are great and certain weapons are better with different sights, 'Duty Bound' is a good example, if you inspect/buy the original version in the collections(can still change the sights) it has a nice red-dot sight with thin sides, the other option before it was sunset (which is also its current sight) is a thick brick that's honestly hard to use or even look at, I know quite a few people that don't use it specifically because they hate the way it looks. I'm also sure some people have their preferences in general, like some want scopes on everything, and some may want red dots, holos, or even iron sights (which hardly exist in D2, that's my preference), overall it'd be nice to have the option, even if it's the same like 6 sights recycled between every weapon, or even a few for each weapon foundry. EDIT: Along with @Exalted IV's suggestion of placing it in the cosmetic section where Shaders & Ornaments are, (assuming it might be even easier this way) it could also work similarly to Revision Zero where each upgrade was a slight change to the weapon and a new ornament, the sights could be classified as ornaments. Like @Darth Drav3n said, have Banshee sell sights. This also inspired me to expand on the idea, since they'd probably permanent unlocks make another slot like the weapon mod slot, the 'sight slot'. If there's a limit to perk columns like some people are saying, and assuming there is also a limit on the row that weapon mods are in, place the sight slot where deepsight stuff would be, unfortunately, that would mean we would likely only be able to swap sights on non-craftable weapons, but something is better than nothing.

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  • I'd like this just set the sights to 3 set ones on a gun so irons red dot/holos then like acog as destiny does sights and make the sights go by the brand of weapon

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  • I’m cool with it as long as the sights aren’t RNG. I’m D1 it would suck to get a god roll with garbage sights.

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    2 답변
    • 작성자: Muffincup 2/28/2024 8:55:44 PM
      Dude YES! I'm so glad to see others asking for this. I HATED the change of removing sights, when they did it because it just shrunk the amount of weapons I wanted to use. I hate those huge, clunky, block sights that seem to be so prevalent. Actually the reason I don't use Duty Bound, myself. I want good minimal sight options that allow for a great field of view. You know, the actual purpose of sights, to be as non-intrusive as possible. I'd glady trade barrel types for sights again. I honestly feel it would create more variety of use, and even things out a bit more between players, too, because sights are a huuuuge huge factor in ease of use. Not everyone can adjust to one type of sight. We need options for the best variety.

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    • It’s kind of weird that we can change barrels (which have no visual difference) and scopes that have some kind of aesthetic element. It almost kind of feels like they chose to just do barrels and mags because it would be less for them to design & animate :/

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      3 답변
      • 작성자: CozMcKilljoy 2/29/2024 7:16:12 PM
        Red Dot OAC baby. In D1 I’d keep a gun with that sight and use it. Even if the perks were garbage. Felt so clean. Edit: it’s Red Dot OAS. My bad.

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      • Been calling for this to come back since beyond light

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      • [quote]You guys used to do it early on and in D1, I assume the main reason it was removed is that balancing was harder with the changes each sight made to zoom, aim-assist, etc. but is there any chance it could return as just a cosmetic change, no stats related to it at all. Not all the sights in the game are great and certain weapons are better with different sights, 'Duty Bound' is a good example, if you inspect/buy the original version in the collections(can still change the sights) it has a nice red-dot sight with thin sides, the other option before it was sunset (which is also its current sight) is a thick brick that's honestly hard to use or even look at, I know quite a few people that don't use it specifically because they hate the way it looks. I'm also sure some people have their preferences in general, like some want scopes on everything, and some may want red dots, holos, or even iron sights (which hardly exist in D2, that's my preference), overall it'd be nice to have the option, even if it's the same like 6 sights recycled between every weapon, or even a few for each weapon foundry. EDIT: Along with @Exalted IV's suggestion of placing it in the cosmetic section where Shaders & Ornaments are, (assuming it might be even easier this way) it could also work similarly to Revision Zero where each upgrade was a slight change to the weapon and a new ornament, the sights could be classified as ornaments.[/quote] That would be a great idea. Have the sights purchasable from Banshee like an actual gunsmith would be able to do. Oh wait that would make to much sense Bungie won’t do it.

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        1 답변
        • I’d like to see optics added! Different sights would make a lot of guns feel better due to the sights

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        • Yes! Now that zoom doesn’t really matter, I think swappable sights would be great. How about they just add sights as another slot next to your desired mod. They should add: 1x Red Dot 1x Holo 1.5x Chevron 1.5x Holo 1.5x Red Dot … And so on and so forth. I don’t think anyone has any real concerns with sights for certain weapons like Shotguns, Fusions, Machine Guns, and other weapons that either aren’t severely impacted by a sight or don’t rely on sights all the time. Eventually it should be added for all weapons, but instead of releasing it all at once they should give us sights for the weapons that really need them first. I.E. Hand Cannons, Snipers, Autos, Pulses. Pls Bungie!

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        • Bump

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        • That would be an overdelivery.

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          2 답변
          • They won do it because everyone always uses the 32 sight scopes. That's why evey sniper scope sucks now. There at 42 or 56 zoom.

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            1 답변
            • This would be sublime. I wanna run my Mercurial Overreach with the original the sight that used to be on the weapon icon on release. But I also wanna run a sniper scope on an smg because that would be outright hilarious. For the record, this is not satire. I do want to do this.

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            • They said something about the different models having issues with shaders or something IIRC.

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              1 답변
              • The problem would be they'd have to remove the barrels (or mags) from guns to do it. We know from when they removed orb generation in favor of origin traits that there is a cap on how much they can put on a gun.

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                4 답변
                • 작성자: xbroggiex 2/28/2024 3:17:32 PM
                  Think since they changed how zoom works they could actually add back different sights to weapons. The only problem is that it'd probably only apply to world drop items and ritual gear, as seasonal/raid/dungeon weapons tend to have their own "unique" scopes. It also depends on if it just replaces barrels since then you'd tie stats to them which would make some scopes just better than others. But considering Bungie was going on about reaching weapon data limits back when they introduced origin traits I dunno if it could even be added as an additional thing. Would be cool though.

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