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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
1/16/2024 2:11:51 AM

Why are we not letting the other classes have things?

So to start off the context of this post, I am somebody who very familiar with the other subclasses, I played with all the sub classes, I've played with all the classes, I've played them all since desty one and Destiny 2. I've goofed around with everything that Destiny has ever since the very first ever public beta of the first game. I've had a lot of time to play around and try a different things, I have fantastic stasis, strand, solar, ark, void, builds for any of the classes. However I've always been a hunter main, all the way back in Destiny one when the hunter was not good, and I mean it in the sense that Hunter was really looked down upon, and the least popular of the three classes. Why did I gravitate towards the hunter you might ask? Simply because the hunter at its core focus was always about gunplay, it was easy for me to go from playing call of duty to a class that jumps three times and dodges, that uses the same knife that you would find in a call of duty game, that has the kind of movement of a call of duty shooter, it was always about what can I do with my rifle and how can I outmaneuver and outflank my opponent. It just felt like a natural fit. Everyone else really was on the Titan for his ability to spam grenades and defend himself reasonably well and hold positions, everybody was on warlock to hit people with deep us and survive and be a space wizard. That was Destiny 1. Destiny 2 however everybody's on Hunter, why is everybody on Hunter? Well for one it could be because people have gotten better at shooters as a whole, so my skill set of being a really good call of duty shooter, being this ultra-fast instant dopamine ADHD full on react faster than anybody and focus on gunplay, ambush, flanking, it's no longer unique skill set for anybody. It's actually kind of a common skill set. I have other skill sets in gameplay, but now everybody else has the same skill set that made me good at call of duty back when people really weren't good at call of duty. The other reason why I think everybody is on Hunter, is because Hunter's no longer just about gunplay, we have things that enhance gun play drastically, we have the celestial nighthawk, we have akamara's spine, we have Stompees, yeah six coyote, worm husk crown, we have all these really great exotics that absolutely enhance what a hunter already does well, and then we have other exotics that quiet frankly allow hunters to do things that are not typical of hunters. Whether it's ability spam or grenade spam, or defending everybody, or turning everybody invisible. It's some really great stuff. However my complaint is, that whenever we get that same stuff for warlocks or Titans, it gets nerfed. Synthoscepts, star eater scales, Phoenix protocol, heart of most light, there's hundreds more examples of things that hunters and warlocks do really well but then it gets nerfed. All admit that I had fun running around dressed as a literal all blue blueberry wire with a glave and syntheseps on arc Titan absolutely running around demolishing people, and I admit that for the game and the way of the game is, that could be a little annoying, but nerfing that was ridiculous because it wasn't like I was solo flawlessing trials that way, and it wasn't a good build, there were times where I would go negative 10 kda, and yes there were some times where I would get 10 kills in a row without dying, it was a mixed bag of random and it was really dependent on just how good the other team was. The other team was cohesive and good then my thing really didn't work. All I meant that I absolutely loved using claws of akamara, or using Phoenix protocol. Absolutely loved it. I also loved using hearty most light when it was good, it was a fantastic piece that realistically if I wanted to use any subclass at any time I could and not have to change my exotic chestplate. All these things were really great and people were using them. It wasn't just good for me, it was good for everyone else, it was good for the health of the game, I was getting lobbies where sometimes the entire team was warlocks, sometimes the entire team was Titans, sometimes the entire team was hunters, sometimes it was only warlocks and hunters, sometimes it was only Titans and warlocks, there was a good mixture. I would get lobbies where it was perfectly even with two of each type on each team, and the same goes for PVE I would get lobbies where everybody was on whatever they wanted to be, and then other times it was perfectly balanced. Nowadays however I get these lobbies where everyone is a hunter, and I mean absolutely everyone, there's no reason for me to go to Titan, there's no reason for me to go to warlock, especially in endgame content. They've nerfed akamar's spine but it didn't stop akamara's spine from being good, they gave celestial nighthawk buff that quite frankly it didn't need, they gave shards a gallon or above that is fantastic, ophioid spade is better than it's ever been, I could not see a reason to argue with somebody using worm husk crown, assassins cowl, and though I really don't like liars handshake, it does serve its uses in PVP. Stompy's still work, frosty's still work. All the things that Bungie has touched for Hunter still work just fine. However for Titan, every time I see a Titan nowadays it's actium war rig, and nothing else, even on my Titan it's actium war rig, Even in PvE it's still the same exotic, now there's just really no reason to even focus on my melee, because I'll get buffs and live forever if I just use an auto rifle and hang back a little bit, the only problem with doing that is it doesn't do anything for my team it just does things for me. Warlock is just stuck on while radiance, they have nothing else in their tool kit, and it's really a shame because I miss seeing the Kamehameha builds, the Goku builds, the emperor palpatine builds, I miss seeing the void warlock and as annoying as he was it was kind of fun to have one of those on your team and just watch them horrible a massive purple ball of death at people like he's -blam!- Frieza, and some of those guys even intentionally made themselves look like Frieza for that reason, their space wizards let them be spacewizards. Lately instead of being space wizard they've just been basically grounded into the zone of healer, I see in PvP and I see this in PvE. It's not that these things need a nerf, in fact they don't, it's that these things are the only things that they have left that are untouched and so the other thing that I see is nobody's really on warlock that often anymore, nobody's really on Titan that often anymore, the only time I see people on those classes is when those classes are what they've played with since the very beginning, there are hardcore player for that class just like I'm a hardcore player for Hunter, I would still be on a hunter even if Hunter was bad, and I know this because there was a time when Hunter was really bad and guess what I was on? I was on Hunter. We need to quit nursing the things that are in the warlock and Titans kit because I don't see them anymore, and I miss playing against the same thing over and over again, it's not interesting for me as a hunter to go up against another hunter, I know that tool kit inside and outside, and I absolutely dominate that kind of a fight, because I've been playing Hunter since destiny's first ever beta, I've been playing Hunter so long that nothing surprises me about the hunter anymore. So for me to go up against an entire team a hunters is not very interesting, it's not very fun, it's kind of boring, even when I play on a different class like Titan or warlock, it's still not very fun or very interesting, I know which way they're going to dodge I know how they peak lanes, I know how they move, and I know what they're going to do, they only need to kill me one time for me to know what their exact entire build is just because that's how long I've been playing on Hunter. There's no variety. You know what the most popular mod for Street fighter 2 is? It's a mod that busts everything, it breaks every character in the game, gives all of them a buff, it absolutely ruins the balance of the game. Yet it's the most downloaded mod for Street fighter 2 because it's the most fun. You know what the least downloaded mod of all time is for Street fighter 2? It's the mod that bounces everything, and I mean it balances all of the abilities, it makes good characters all have the same health and attack pool, makes characters move at the same speed at the same jump height, it nerfs everything into the ground. I've played both, one's really fun, one's really boring. You know what the greatest call of duty of all time that nobody ever debates is the greatest call of duty of all time? We all have in our mind, I don't even need to say its name, people still won't shut up about it Even to this day, it's MW2, If I went to anyone who's ever played call of duty and went MW2 is a great game, no one would argue of that, and MW2 is the least balanced call of duty of all time. Absolutely everything in that game is broken, everything in that game is overpowered, that's not true for other call of duties, everything else and every other call of duty is balanced with like one occasional outlier, and it's boring. If I went and mention call of duty ghosts to somebody, somebody will argue that it's a bad game, so I went and mentioned any of the other call of duty games to anyone someone will argue that's a bad game, but if I mentioned Modern warfare 2 the original to anyone who likes call of duty they love it. The least balanced battlefield games are also the most popular ones, I don't really know much about battlefield as much as I do about call of duty or Destiny, however I do know that bad company 2, Hardline, 2042, and battlefield ONE, are the most popular. So let's stop nerfing things in the ground, and let's start making things more powerful so that we can some variety.

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  • 작성자: BetweenMyself 1/16/2024 3:01:56 AM
    Cliffs Notes version of the above: “I’ve tried all the Classes and Subclasses. I prefer playing Hunter. In Destiny 1 more people played Titans and Warlocks, but in Destiny 2 Hunter seems most popular in part because they have so much great stuff. The devs’ pursuit of game balance prevents Titans and Warlocks from having as many cool things as Hunters, which is bad. Many people enjoy other games that are known to be unbalanced therefore Destiny would be better if it were less balanced.” (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

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