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1/18/2024 9:52:56 PM

Guildings Gone, Player Data Deleted

My guildings disappeared after I changed my PSN (PlayStation Network) account name. I was aware that my game data could be impacted, but not in the way that it happened here. The game shows me that I have guilded Glorious 3 times, indicated by the 3 dots above the crest, as well as when I hover over the crest with my curser, but it doesn't display that I have guilded it 3 times when I view the guilding bar in the character menu as well as in-game. Other data might also have been affected but I have not noticed it yet. Has this happened to anybody else? And who should I contact for this, PlayStation Support or Bungie Help? I am a PC player that linked my steam account and PlayStation Bungie Account via Cross-Save.

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