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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
10/25/2023 8:15:16 PM

The dawning 2023

For the love of all things un holy.... looking at you osmium dynasty. Can we not be sent on a wild goose chase around Sol baking and delivering cookies. Forsaken was a mah this is an okay holiday event. Shadowkeep was another her we go again moment Beyond light had me rolling my eyes when it came up again. The witch queen just had me go no! So what are we thinking about a dawning event? Obviously it's got to be a low investment high reward for Bungie so doing something basic like cookies and selling a hive tomb load of eververse store Seasonal stuff is a great way for Bungie to re cope on some of their money. But this is where the player base feels as though there is a minimum lack of investment. Lets go with the obvious... Sparrows are now all inline to be the same speed so one suggestion would be to bring back SRL with new sparrows and horns some exotic -blam!- racing gear and some racing ghost shells. Whilst this is just one thing every guardian has wanted for as long as they can remembers mainly 2016. I think it's a very dim looking solution. option two would be to add a couple of vaulted strikes for the festive season with a vaulted PVP map (s) and maybe just maybe a new gambit map, but lets not get toooo carried away. It would bring people back to play for a little bit longer and give new guardians something new and exciting to play through. Option three would be to do what they have always done and for the player base to have always gotten what they have gotten. Just some food for thought.

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