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작성자: Sunburn Seastar 6/12/2023 10:21:15 PM

Destiny 2 feedback for Bungie (cause they asked)

[b][u]Subclasses[/u][/b] [b]Strand[/b] 1. Strand seams to struggle maintaining a cyclical and even just simple ability regeneration while in combat comparatively to the light subclasses. I would like to see better armor mod synergy (as many of the non-armor charged mods are dependent on damage, but strand is heavy on utility and grenades often struggle to get the kill) 2. Tangles don’t really feel like they do enough damage or have enough utility. I think it would be better if thread of fury was base kit for tangles and that the fragment was reworked. 3. I understand why you might be hesitant but threadling also struggle to have importance or utility beyond Broodweaver, I think if 3 or more threadlings hit a barrier or or overload it should stun them, this would help the threadling grenade find a niche. 4. Broodweaver’s The Wander aspect lacks meaningful utility because the tangle cooldown is egregious and fails to improve the tangle in any meaningful way beyond suspending targets, which mindspun invocation already does quite efficiently. Although the concept behind the aspect has potential, its execution needs work I would start by decreasing its tangle cooldown and an increase in damage. 5. Strand is entirely dependent on woven mail for defensive utility and if you’re not Titan, the hunters with their strand exotic or using the navigator it can be difficult to maintain and obtain. I would like to see additional ways of obtaining it or an additional defensive verb for the subclass. 6. In the lore surrounding strand you mentioned heightened senses and an improved ability to detect living things, I think it would be cool if it was something like amplified and and enabled true-sight and maybe a similar screen notification to a frozen target but with whats in your radar. [b]Stasis[/b] 1. After light 3.0 stasis feels stale and often lacks utility beyond shadebinder in the PVE meta nowadays. 2. I think stasis would benefit from some slight buffs to what it currently has and new possibilities in its kit in the form of supers, melees and even grenades. 3. Glacial harvest could use some better ways to access it or simply have more advantageous options to build into in the form of fragments. [b]Arc[/b] 1. Feels significantly better since the 3.0 reworks 2. Arc still struggles to maintain defensive capabilities especially in instances when the arena is open with little cover, or enemies have a habit of spawning in multiple directions, I think it would benefit tremendously from a new verb or a buff to some of its existing fragments. [b]Void[/b] 1. Is in amazing shape and needs minimal work 2. I would like to see a new melee for voidwalker as pocket singularity is now easily outclassed by destabilizing rounds. 3. Nova bomb still needs a better niche identity as its starting to lag behind Chaos Reach, needle storm, staff throw, and shadow shot. [b]Solar[/b] 1. For the sake of sanity NERF Well of Radiance or add competition, it corners the entire games meta and it’s annoying that’s all that is expected of warlocks and frankly I find it un enjoyable and boring. [b][u]General[/u][/b] 1. Just give stormcaller and Broodweaver blink it has little to no effect on the meta in the long term and would make a small portion of your player base very happy 2. Consider reevaluating the super DPS meta in some areas or at bare minimum I would like to hear why you have it the way you do. (For example: why does blade barrage do more damage than golden gun from a logical standpoint) 3. Now that Arc and Strand have unique movement options, I think Solar, Stasis, and Void could benefit from similar intrinsic and unique movement capabilities. 4. Please increase salvage enemy density, it’s not large enough to justify 6 players or a small enough arena for it either. 5. I was disappointed that neither Mars or Titan returned as a patrolable location; even if it was only for the year of witch Queen or lightfall. 6. Please consider updating your servers and a season of health for the game. As it is deteriorating quite obviously and needs some attention to enable the continuation of the game in good health. 7. The writing for witch Queen and its seasons was some of the best and you should be proud of Risen through serph. 8. Finally, if you’re going to kill off a character in the future please do a little better; Amanda’s death felt hollow and pointless and she deserved better than the way it was executed. (Although honestly it felt like you rewrote the entirety of lightfall and defiance probably some point during haunted; if that was the case please just be honest and tell the community to expect delays because we know you can do better and would be willing to wait for something of better quality.) Notes: I admit I have bias towards Warlocks, because that is what I main and therefore is what I am most apt to give feedback for.

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  • Great feedback.... Unfortunately bungie rarely if ever pays attention to their own forum. Last time I remember that anyone from bungie ( not ninjas, not mentors) said something here was before LF to do some promos.

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