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자유 게시판

자유롭게 대화를 나누어보세요.
6/5/2023 2:07:43 AM

I dare you

To tell me something interesting about yourself. Not your hobbies or special interests, not the kind of music you like or your favorite color. Something interesting about YOU. An experience. An accident. A moment where your worldview was turned upside down. Whatever it is, it has to be interesting. I tire of checking Offtopic to see more posts about your favorite Star Wars show. I’ve been here long enough to watch your creative abilities peak and plummet. I remember having [i]fun[/i] with the people I spoke to. You can’t tell me a hundred posts about another bungie game is real entertainment to you. I don’t care about the opinions of tweenagers. I don’t care if your mom just bought you your favorite fast food. It doesn’t matter if this album spoke to you. I want to read something worth reading. If you can’t do that, you don’t get out enough. You could even lie, but none of you are good liars. Your responses will be rated. I miss being here.

게시물 작성 언어:


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  • Last summer I had a bad work accident and got pinned to an old rusted out F-150’s frame by a winch chain. It crushed my right hand and all four fingers but my thumb. After letting out more winch I was able to finally pull my hand free. Every time we would let out winch, the vehicle would shift and I’d get pinned again. Got my hand free, carefully removed my glove, and realized most of my right ring finger was severed. Got rushed to the ER, bone was turned into dust on that finger and split down the middle right above my top knuckle like a mermaid tail. Got stitches and was told nothing could be done by a hand specialist. Was also told I completely lost my mail bed. After several sessions of PT, a ton of support from my parents and loving gf at the time [spoiler]spoiler alert she’s now my fiancé[/spoiler], I’ve made a full recovery. It looks mostly normal and nerve damage is a problem sometimes but that could take years to work itself out. Even grew back a finger nail and my bone dust collected to form a solid finger tip on its own. I am even back to working at a gun range part time as a hobby job. But yeah that was my hellish summer last year. Same day I also had awful poison ivy and an allergic reaction that gave me a horribly itchy rash from the antibiotic the ER gave me. Then two days later I had a successful Lasik operation. Hope you’re well Glope. [spoiler]also loot and poly will be at my wedding. Loot crate is a grooms man and him and i are flying to Florida this week for a music festival[/spoiler]

    게시물 작성 언어:


    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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