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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Talia Sendua 3/2/2023 6:10:28 PM

Bungie, I really wonder what my "class identitiy" as Titan is in PvP.

Our Roaming supers got nerfed, our barricades got nerfed (on certain subclasses), our exotics got nerfed multiple times, our melees got gutted recently. What is our role in PvP now? Cannon fodder? In comparison to pre-LF I see myself this expansion A LOT more dying to stuff than last season, especially Warlocks still running around with stupidly broken Ophidian Aspect gauntlets that are ACTIVE ALL THE TIME while Titans need to get into close range with 2 more enemies just to have the full effect of our Synthozeps... I am not the guy who says that you (Bungie) are favoring other classes in the sandbox but the recent changes make me absolutely think so. I guess we Titans get deleted in the next DLC and replaced with a completely other irrelevant class that doesn't do anything in a good way. And honestly, even if this would happen it wouldn't make a difference. Because we Titans are in PvP already at rock bottom in case of balancing.

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  • Absolutely, not just in pvp, but in PvE aswell, Titans according to Bungie are the melee masters, yet they nerf everything from glaives (Which were already freaking useless) to our kits and exotics, what's the point of being a titan when practically everything is better than us, melee is supposed to be a high risk high rewards, especially in higher end content where anything can kill titans with over shield and full resilience. What's the point of playing a titan now?

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