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작성자: Girraffalope 3/13/2023 5:01:24 AM

Scavenger Hunt!

This is a scavenger hunt. You will participate to your best ability. You’re not rebellious and special for choosing to abstain. You must complete each of the listed tasks and report back here. 1: Tell us a song that reminds you of someone dead. Two: Write a brief paragraph describing a person in your life that you despise, and why you hate them so. Threigh: Tell me what was significant about July 12th, 1979. Forr: Describe in as little or as much detail as you like a person you know named Greg, Craig, or Egg. 5ive: If you have the ability to share images, draw me a really terrible picture of a bear fistfighting a cop. Sicks: Tell me your darkest secret. The one buried so deep you feel the blood slow in your veins when the mere thought of it sinks its teeth into the back of your brain. L: Do 3 pushups. Good ones. Aieghtt: Ask a nearby person what their least favorite part of your face is. You are not allowed to ask your mom, we need honest answers. IX: Become a better person. Bonus points if you’ve showered in the last 24 hours

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다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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  • 작성자: The First Aifos 3/14/2023 2:05:20 AM
    1. You Are My Sunshine. It was sung at their funeral service. 2. Tbh, I don't really know how he looks, but his name is Jerry. Jerry is one of my coworkers. I start at 10, he's off at 10, so our shifts don't really overlap. I do come in about 15 minutes early every day, so I do usually see him as he's about to leave. So, why do I hate this guy I barely ever see? Well, because Jerry keeps screwing up my shelves! I am a stocker--I stock the shelves. I keep everything pretty, and organized, and then [i]Jerry[/i] comes in, and thinks he can just throw things wherever he wants! Oh, and not only does he put out stuff in the wrong places, he takes stuff from their right places, and puts them in the wrong places, so that he can make room for something that doesn't even go on that shelf anyway! Today, I walked into work, and I literally wanted to scream, because the entire chemical wall was a mess! It was like some toddler came in, and just started throwing things on the shelves at random! I had to spend half an hour just putting everything back in their right place! And even with that wasted half hour, I still doubled his case count, and no doubt that's probably because he's spending half his shift moving the spray bottles to where the dish soap goes! 3. Well, if you subtract 19 from 79 you get 60, divide that by 12, and you get 5. July is the 6th Month, so subtract 5 from that, and you get 1. Thus, this day must've been one of the most important days in history. 4. Unless I'm allowed to describe cartoon characters, I have never met anyone with any of these names. Cartoon Greg runs a car wash, though. 5. [url=]This is the worst I could do.[/url] 6. Deepest darkest secrets, huh? Hm... I don't know. I don't have anything too juicy. I own, like, 3 songs from Billie Eilish? I used to have a crush on May from Pokemon? I own a wrapper from a cookie a girl gave me on Valentine's from almost a decade ago? Any of those any good? I'm generally pretty open with stuff, I don't really keep many secrets. 7. Failed. 8. There are no nearby people. 9. I spend enough of my time being a good person. I put any more time towards doing that and I'm going to wind up like Molly. Bonus: I shower every day. Mornings on weekends, evenings on weekdays.

    게시물 작성 언어:


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