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작성자: Girraffalope 3/13/2023 5:01:24 AM

Scavenger Hunt!

This is a scavenger hunt. You will participate to your best ability. You’re not rebellious and special for choosing to abstain. You must complete each of the listed tasks and report back here. 1: Tell us a song that reminds you of someone dead. Two: Write a brief paragraph describing a person in your life that you despise, and why you hate them so. Threigh: Tell me what was significant about July 12th, 1979. Forr: Describe in as little or as much detail as you like a person you know named Greg, Craig, or Egg. 5ive: If you have the ability to share images, draw me a really terrible picture of a bear fistfighting a cop. Sicks: Tell me your darkest secret. The one buried so deep you feel the blood slow in your veins when the mere thought of it sinks its teeth into the back of your brain. L: Do 3 pushups. Good ones. Aieghtt: Ask a nearby person what their least favorite part of your face is. You are not allowed to ask your mom, we need honest answers. IX: Become a better person. Bonus points if you’ve showered in the last 24 hours

게시물 작성 언어:


다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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  • 1. When the movie O Brother Where Art Though came out I got the soundtrack as a young teenager and my Grandpa and I would listen to it non-stop. Everytime I hear Big Rock Candy Mountain, I remember my Grandpa singing it word for word while he tried to teach me to parallel park in his old, gray beat up F-150. 2. My wife younger brother. Let’s just say I don’t respect any man that knocks up a girl and runs off on her for the next decade leaving the responsibility on this boy’s uncle on how to be a man so we don’t have a second generation of dipshit. 3. It’s not significant to me, because this white boy does not play that funky music. 4. Craig is a great guy that use to run the operations at our body shop. He works at Lockheed Martin now though painting cooler things than cars now! I say good for him! 5. I’m old enough to say “I don’t know how to share pictures on this dang ol’ contraption!” And I’m not fielding questions. 6. I’m a fairly vanilla American dude, my darkest secret is that I’ve paid far more for my Freedom sticks than I’ll ever tell my wife! 7. Last person to tell me to do a good push-up was Coach Cooper in high school back when Creed was popular….*hands out grains of salt*. So I’ll do it, but it’s my 2 decade quota. 8. As my mother is 740ish miles away, my wife said she hates it when I shave my beard. Because my clean shaven face is abhorrent and shouldn’t be released for mass observation. 9. I’ve thought of open palm smacking my progeny when I told them that before YouTube you had to either get good at the game or buy the Game Guide book if there was one available and she said “You’re so ancient”. So I guess there room for a little growth, but now much. 10. *Bonus* YEAH ME!

    게시물 작성 언어:


    다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

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