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도와드릴 수 있도록 저희에게 알려주세요.
12/22/2022 3:42:17 AM

On timing. 오래됨

Can't interact at H.E.L.M

My director shows "Legacy: sails of ship stealers " then go visit the star chart in the H.E.L.M but when I go to the H.E.L.M I can't interact with or insert my pieces to proceed to the second step. The same goes for war table and crown of sorrow. All interactions seem to be bugged. This new seasons introductory mission is also bugged I did the initial step then the mission got bugged idk what are my milestones. My games have been like this for the past few seasons... And adding every new season on top just makes it worse because everything gets bugged. I can't proceed with any quest, milestones or triumphs because all of them are halted because I can't fix these issues. Can I please get some help or find a way to remove this milestone bug.

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