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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
10/18/2022 6:16:29 AM

Titans' non-interactive class abilities

Why is it that Titan subclasses uniquely have class abilities which do not directly interact with the respective subclasses without being modified by an Exotic armor? Sentinel is the only Titan subclass which has a built in way for for barricades to interact. The ability to create Void Overshields on demand and STILL be able to add an exotic to the build on top of that is amazing. Yet bizarrely, Behemoth, Sunbreaker, and Striker all lack this functionality. Behemoth can use Hoarfrost Z to make Tower Barricade create crystals and increase reload speed, and Sunbreaker can use Lorely Splendor to create a no-longer-enhanced sunspot on demand -- which has the drawback of forced activation when the user gets damaged. Striker has not even an exotic to make either a barricade or Thruster interact with the rest of the subclass. I was bummed when Solar 3.0 came out, and Titans were the odd class out for getting a third class ability in the redesign. Come Arc 3.0 in Season of Plunder the following season, and im happy to see Thruster; particularly since a mobility move offsets the immobile nature of Thunderclap. But the new exotic armor for Strikers became a huge let down, being laughably weaker than every comparable exotic in that role. (Skullfort is better melee regen, Dunemarchers are better at arc chaining, and Synthoceps and Wormgod Caress are better at damage.) Not only that, it does not even make any of the 3 class abilities interact with the Striker subclass. Thruster is just a move (not even third person), and barricades are as they have always been. Why not at least give Titans an exotic to make their dodge perform the triple reload the other two classes have, if not a direct subclass interaction? Meanwhile, every single Hunter and Warlock subclass inherently has meaningful interactions with their class abilities in Subclasses 3.0: Nightstalker: Vanishing Step grants Invis Gunslinger: Acrobat Dodge grants Radiant (no fragment needed) Arcstrider: sets up Lethal Current and is improved on by Flow State Revenant: Winter's Shroud inflicts Slow on nearby enemies. Voidwalker: Void Soul from CotOG Dawnblade: Phoenix Dive grants Cure and potentially Restoration Stormcaller: Arc Soul Shadebinder: Frostpulse causes rifts to freeze nearby enemies All of these subclasses have these option, and still the ability to add an exotic armor on top of it. Why do Titan subclasses, save for Sentinel, uniquely require exotic armors to do what every other subclass in the game has the option to do intrinsically? (Also note that the Shiverstrike Behemoth melee ability only has a pushback effect; no crystals, slow, freezing, or other subclass interaction to speak of; even with Stasis focused exotics.)

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