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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
9/26/2022 6:27:36 PM

The Dreaming City Badge is currently Inconsistent due to Seasonal Relaunch of Loot Drops (BUG)

The Seal [i]Cursebreaker[/i] is currently listed as active, and earnable, and as one would expect, all triumphs, lore, collectibles, weapons and armor required to complete the requirements for the seal are earnable presently in-game. The weapons and armor required for completion of the associated Badge in collections have also been updated to allow for newer seasons' version of the same loot to count toward the badge, with one exception: Horror's Least. As of now, the [i]Forsaken[/i] version of Horror's Least is completely un-earnable in-game, but it is still a requirement for the completion of this badge, while a newer version of the same weapon is obtainable through nightfall-related rewards. Therefore, a seal that is otherwise displayed as currently earnable is to the contrary, unearnable. Furthermore, Horror's Least is the only item in this collection badge that behaves in this manner. All other items that have newer versions available, allow the newer versions to count toward the destination badge. This leads me to believe that the current behaviour is unintentional. Please do rectify this at your soonest convenience.

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