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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
8/24/2022 11:53:48 PM

I feel like a big issue with chaos reach's performance is being overlooked.

Originally, chaos reach (much like thundercrash) was tailored around having a faster upkeep on their super cooldowns due to things like the ionic traces, geomags, and the canceling of their super. Understandably, having a super charge faster than the others should entail some trade off which is what my original justification for chaos reach not being super powerful was (and it's near infinite range). HOWEVER, with the removal of not only geomags faster regen, but also the super energy from ionic traces (and whatever your opinions are on the canceling)...they've effectively stripped chaos reach of its greatest strength outside of being hitscan. The below average super damage paired with the longevity of vulnerability gives base chaos reach a very lackluster impact on the situation in which it's used. Although it's very good for add clear, NOBODY likes a super that only serves to take out dregs and weak red bar enemies when they already HAVE a normal mobile super within the same subclass that covers that job...especially when they need an exotic for it to be good at total damage. Now how do we remedy this? Well, a lot of warlocks are currently not pleased with their arc subclass reworks and one of my personal complaints is how it was sold as being built around amplify...but it barely benefits from it more than the others...and so to remedy this, I think it's a perfect mechanic to buff chaos reach (and subsequent other abilities). First and foremost I want geomags' extended exotic effect to be intrinsic to base chaos reach WHILE AMPLIFIED. This will give players who like chaos reach a reason to run it with other exotics besides the sole one that defines the super. Next I want it's pve damage resistance to be bumped up to 50% to allow it slightly better survivability (this is without amplify). WITH amplify, I want the super to build up damage reduction (up to 70%). Now you might be wondering...if we just make chaos reach like geomags when amplified...what's the point of the exotic? Well the exotic initially made the super, so we are gonna adjust it for boss dps. Super casting speed decreased. Consume amplify to release your full (amplified total damage) chaos reach in a much shorter duration (3 seconds, cannot be canceled). Like you are giving all you got, similar to thunderclap. Although it will still be a go to option for boss phases, the base super will still have that lethality and longevity that might prove useful in other areas while not letting the exotic dictate its it's worth. Let me know what you guys think, thank you.

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