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작성자: Seraphim Crypto 9/27/2021 11:03:51 PM

Bungie Name Change Without Any Consent

I've just logged in to Destiny 2 for the second time tonight and received a pop-up regarding cross-play and telling me that my Bungie name is now Guardian3031#9648. I had already set my Bungie name to Dare to Jurgen#3401 when this was first introduced at the start of the current season. This was taken from my Xbox gamertag which is Dare to Jurgen I do not have cross-play enabled and have only ever played on Xbox. So why has my Bungie name, which was already set as Dare to Jurgen#3401, been changed to some generic Bungie name which I had no control over? My proper name was not offensive in in way nor does it violate any terms/rules, so why has this happened to my account? I want my old Bungie name back as it feels like I've lost my identity on this game now and I do not want this generic name that was set for me without my consent. Name changing is not even a feature that is available to users at the moment so why has this happened to my account? There must have been some sort of error or mistake. Please can this be rectified as soon as possible.
#Help #Error #issue

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