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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
3/15/2021 8:01:13 PM

Striker needs to be tuned.

I've said it two billion times already and I'm not backing down until bungie either says no or does it. I like arc because I am a sucker for lightning and electricity but striker is BY FAR the worst subclass titans have. 1. Fists of havoc as a whole is barely even used for it's namesake in pvp because the power attack costs so much energy to offer a radius LOWER than nova warps, both vertical and horizontal. It's basically used for the panic slam and then people just mash the light attack over and over because it's the only efficient way to kill players with how mobile we are now compared to the snails pace we USED to move at. 2. Fists of havocs power attack in pve is also a joke because top tree needs to take advantage of a timer to max it's damage, which you can't even fully use and if you don't it's the equivalent of shooting a couple handcannon bullets into the enemy...which is what bottom tree striker has to deal with. For an attack that costs a QUARTER of the super meter...that's not worth it, especially when sentinel can just wave it's shield in a direction and that whole area dies, for like a TENTH of the energy. Thundercrash, this is a long explained position of mine, so be ready to read: [spoiler]3A. I know people are going to disagree with me on this because of the thundercrash exotic, but I still think thundercrash needs to be tuned to be a more effective pve subclass. There's nothing more ridiculous to me than when people argue that something is fine just because an exotic empowers it or applies a band-aid over a flaw. If that were the case, bungie never would have improved a great majority of what was actually lackluster on a foundational level for every other class or subclass and would have instead created exotics to band aid the problem *cough* astrocyte verse *cough*. It has little to no synergy, no ability regen and the super without the exotic is still only the equivalent of a nova bomb for much greater risk. It NEEDS an exotic to stand out, where as other titan subclasses already have a good foundation that exotics BUILD off of. 3A continued. Some of you may try to argue that it's designed for pvp and to a degree I understand what you mean. A super with that level of control is basically worthless in pve compared to just chucking something or the neutral games biggest advantage comes into play in pvp when things are rough or going in your favor. But where this is contradictory is the original piece of the subclass which is impact conversion, which is to grant super energy on hitting targets with ballistic slam. In pvp, this perk has no real benefit due to how difficult it is to land on more than 1 target and at pretty much every intellect tier you are only saving about 10 or so seconds the equivalent of a kill If not less. Pair with this melee cooldown, map design and other stuff and it's just not useful there because max kinda broken. But where it IS useful is in pve. 3A. Continued again. Each target being capable of knocking off 10 second chunks comes in handy when there are 3 or more targets around. This allows for it to charge sizable chunks PER MELEE that can lead to you getting your super a whole minute faster or more. But what else it brings to the table...just isn't substantial enough to give it any real value. Inertia override reloads your gun...which is no big deal and grants 30% gun damage for 3 seconds...which is nice but nothing crazy due to the activation requirement and the short duration. Sliding over ammo is...kind of a stupid mechanic in pve and the duration of the buff after using your charged melee isn't substantial enough to really take advantage of it. Compare this to bottom tree striker which just punches a target for a 10 second damage boost, stability boost, and a full reload (on top of it's other melee based effects) that you can slap skullfort on to keep it going forever very easily and without much compromise. 3A continued AGAIN AGAIN. So where are we supposed to make use of this skill tree if it's full benefits aren't very valuable in either mode? That's the design flaw that it has had since the beginning. It's melee and impact conversion gives it great value in pve, but inertia override and the super gives it great value in pvp. It has tools to be good at either one, but nothing to clearly say WHAT it was intended for and so it's lacking in both. Not bad, but when you compare it's pvp capabilities to behemoth or it's pve capabilities to's kinda sad. I hope bungie doubles down on something so that it isn't just that unreworked golden gun with celestial nighthawk like it has been since it's release.[/spoiler] Tl;dr of "thundercrash:" It has good perks to take advantage of but nothing that stands out enough to prevent it from being reliant on exotics. I am providing much more specific feedback this time because bungie said they plan to look at the underperforming light subclasses in a couple of seasons and striker could definitely use some tuning that actually gives you a legitimate reason to use it. In add clear fists of havoc loses to pretty much every other titan super and in damage they do as well. You guys ever see how much burning maul does with synthoceps and roaring flames x3? Or the number of enemies you can obliterate with it? It makes me LAUGH.

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