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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
7/4/2020 7:58:01 AM

You're All Crazy For Complaining

Why are you complaining? Bungie is trying to push players to spend more and more time and more and more money. How would could that Ever lead to losing more and more players ? Insanity. I am just flabbergasted at how this ever could have happened. Why Wouldn't people want to spend MORE money and MORE time grinding mostly the same content each season? I just cant FATHOM why. And who DOESN'T want to support [b]Streamers First[/b] over other general players? Who would EVER think that propping up hand picked streamers unofficially working as advertisers for a game might feel a bit weird or dirty to other players? Why would ANYONE see a conflict of interest in mouthpieces they follow being 'gifted' redirected traffic which ultimately results in more funds coming their way? God I just... I just DON'T GET how that could EVER be a problem. Don't you all care about pure, caring, never corrupt CAPITALISM?

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