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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Faji Fox 6/6/2019 2:03:58 AM

Thank You Bungie For This Season’s Updates

Menagerie has been awesome! Love the unique gameplay and objectives, as well as the hordes. Being at 700 and facing enemies increasing in power as the game progresses, it’s very challenging, but rewarding and worth the effort. Certain weapon nerfs, such as Luna’s/NF in Crucible, it’s been nice seeing a variety of weapon use again! Still feel the weapons still fire faster and kill faster than most weapons out there, but already seeing a variety is proving that was the best choice! Content has been a blast, seeking new lore and the further progress of the story of the leviathan and it’s infinite secrets has been awesome too! Thank you! Lastly, here’s what could change in “hopefully” a very quick future update.... -Pursuits tab needs to be somewhere besides the director. It may seem a bit smoother on PC, but console just becomes a nightmare. Put it back in in the character screen and add a new tab next to the inventory screen. Players are already coming up with renders to show how it could work. Make it like it was in D1. -Load times are AWFUL! Yes... an update was added awhile back (I think Season of the Forge) and made load times faster on console (i.e. shaving 3-10 seconds for pulling up character screen/loading activities/etc). Well, that doesn’t even matter anymore because with every update, the load times get slower and slower, especially on console! Implement new hot fix updates weekly to decrease load times if that’s what it takes. Literally spent 3 minutes waiting to load into a crucible match, AFTER we got the 12 players locked into the match. We all loaded in at the same time and the match started the same for everyone. -Exotic nerfs. What makes an exotic, well, an EXOTIC!? You can only equip one armor and weapon exotic at a time. Reason being is that the weapons/armor perks are OP, and for good reason! All the super gaining armor, (Dire Ahamkara’s Mask/Shards of Galanor/and so on...) were nerfed heavily to where it’s difficult to get the full super back. “But that wasn’t the point of the exotic, only could get part of your super back.” Last I checked, that’s why these exotics were made and were intended to get it all back, only by killing tougher enemies, or masses of minor hordes. Tried Nova Bomb and the mask and killed multiple tough enemies and red hordes, half bar filled. What a waste, and probably not gonna use this class until it’s rebuffed, same goes for titan/hunter exotics with similar effects. As for weapons, I get with the whisper, making it not have unlimited ammo. We got the 20 shots back, but I have plenty of legendary snipers where if all crits hit, I can shoot a target up to 6 times with a mag of 4, AND they’re special weapons, so that ammo drops like crazy, unlike whisper’s heavy drops. If the weapon was designed to be like the Spindle/Black Hammer from D1, then make it a special weapon too. The Spindle is a special weapon and hits like tank, why can’t the same be for the Whisper? I could keep listing the cons of this, but these are the major issues we’re dealing with. It’s only Day 2 of Opulence content, but hoping this stuff gets changed sooner than later. Hate waiting WEEKS OR MONTHS to get what your player base has been asking for. Doing this without being an angry gamer, I love playing this game and want to see it improved on. We’re nearly at the halfway point of the Destiny franchise, surely you guys have learned from your past mistakes already.... RIGHT!? If you think something else should change, or add an issue that should be resolved quickly, leave a comment. Upvote this so it can also be seen by Bungie if you agree some of this should be changed!

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