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작성자: SGT-FURY-84 4/20/2019 7:07:47 AM

Did your PS4 clan die? Shoot stuff, don’t die with us!

[u][b]Did your clan die? [/b][/u] Sundowners wants you! [b]Your clan's name: [/b]Sundowners [b]Your system: [/b]PS4 [b]Clan Level:[/b] 6. [u][b]Where are most of your clan members located: [/b][/u] All over North America with a handful of members and guests from around the world. Admins are US (EST and CST). [u][b]When do we usually play: [/b][/u] Usually after 7pm EST on weekdays our Discord server gets hot, groups start forming, and shenanigans follow. Members play at a variety of times, but most of the action is during the evenings and weekends. [u][b]More about your clan:[/b][/u] The clan recently pruned our roster for this recruiting push, but we have a solid core of players that have been together for the long haul... over 3.5 years now! We jokingly refer to ourselves as hardcore casuals, we are all 18+ (no exceptions) mature adults and busy, busy, professionals in a similar life stage. Like exceedingly busy, no bs, kick back, relax, and enjoying the game kinda busy. Sundowners is an all around clan with guardians from all walks of life. Our roster consists laid back adults who formed Sundowners with one goal: to create a place where anyone can join in, take part in all activities, and have fun regardless of skill level. You don't need to be a raid expert or a crucible maestro. We'll raid with you even if you suck. We used to suck. Hell, I still suck! No pressure. We want to play and learn together, with a roster chock full of people who you'd want to play with daily. We need more people to add to said chock. That's where you come in! [u][b]Our mission:[/b][/u] [b]Our mission is to make sure every clan member is improving as a player, laughing, and making friends.[/b] That’s it. It’s who we are, and what we do. [i]“We are a coast-to-coast PS4 Destiny clan with a good mix of new and experienced players. Everything we do is built around our core values of respect, patience, helpfulness, growth and fun. We are a people-focused clan happy to help with whatever aspect of your game that needs attention - raids, strikes, crucible, Trials, Iron Banner… you get the idea. While we take Destiny seriously when online, there will never be any harassment or frustration for members taking a break or dropping unexpectedly to make a bottle, kiss their mini-guardians goodnight, or help their partner with the yard/housework/etc. Family and life issues will always trump the game.”[/i] [b][u]Simple rules:[/u][/b] 1. Don't be a jerk. 2. Don't be a jerk. Seriously... Don't be a jerk. 3. Join Discord. Be active in Discord. 4. Play with others. Post cat memes. Tag @cmlong. Make friends. Tag @cmlong with friends. Most important rule is don't be a jerk. Simple. Discord is a must. If you're not familiar with Discord, don't worry; we can walk you through it all. Do not be intimidated by Discord, it's simple and great. Discord isn't just for LFG, its for building community. We need you to be open to chatting and playing with others with Discord as our main source of communication. We have a closed clan roster, and we always do a small screening before extending the clan invite. We are selective about who we invite because we don't like opening our doors to the dregs of the internet... why would we want that for you? Our vetting process is there to create a few small barriers to keep the screebs away! It’s a test of communication, and ones willingness to meet halfway. My personal belief is that we are only as good as how welcome our newest members feel. You should feel comfortable playing with anyone in the clan, in any activity, because we all want the same thing; to hang out and have fun shooting space rhinos at the end of a long day! [b][u]What kind of players are we looking for? [/u][/b] We are focused on growing responsibly, that’s why we recruit during the slower times. We intentionally delayed this push to avoid the DLC clan hoppers that fly into the tower hot, fueled by hype. Players that join for a season, burn out, and move on. We have a good thing going, and we are committed to building something greater with you. Right now we are going through the typical DLC boom/bust cycle. Some are still focused on the grind, progressing at different rates. Some are feeling the burn and playing a few nights a week in between enjoying Anthem, The Division 2, and other games. Plenty of players are chomping at the bit & eager to take on the end game with you! Experience is preferred, but definitely not necessary. We have never turned away good people. It’s easier to teach a new player end game content than rehabilitating some jerks bad habits. One odd fact is that we seem to have a lot of former clan leaders within our ranks. Like the Tangled Shore, they somehow end up here. This helps us maintain a low key, positive atmosphere. Players have been on both sides of this thing, and we work together towards the same mission. We are a clan that has [i]“restored the faith in community” [/i]to many players. Bottom line is we want members like you. Players willing to jump in, enjoy their new home, and stick around for a reason instead of one season. We are proud of our clan culture, and the community we have built. We have a strong foundation of good, solid people, and loyal players with a healthy work/life/gaming balance already in place. We want motivated players like you. Players with a end game focus to prepare for the final conflict together. [b][u]Goals:[/u][/b] To intentionally weed out alllll of the the impatient, rage quitting, elitist jerk screebs with one long winded post! Like a sparrow to the knee— because we wanna hang out with gamers like you! If you’re still here, you’re probably willing to keep giving it hell in a raid group that just kicked it off with a shaky start. PVE- Sherpas would be nice, but we will mentor day one players and welcome back seasoned vets. We want end game players who are patient, eager to teach, and willing to learn. Chill adults looking for a place to play with some other chill adults, while enjoying helping others and having fun together. No one in Sundowners will yell at you, call you names, tell you to drink bleach or any of the other horrible shit out there. We will laugh at you when you die though. We will probably record it too. And we expect you to laugh at us when we die. We will all die laughing because its a game and we know its supposed to be fun. PVP- Full disclosure, we don't have a lot of competitive crucible players right now... but the ones we do have are highly skilled, easy going, great people. They enjoy the sweat without elitist jerk salt. We are committed to building that player base back up, as every good team has a foundation. That’s usually me at the bottom of the leaderboard. The 💯 truth is that we were always more of a PVE focused clan. Then D2 scorched the earth, and laid waste to many clans across the Destiny community. We did something that most clans did not. We stuck together. We weathered the storm, and we are stronger for it. Few can claim standing strong through the highest of highs, and the lowest of the lows with the Destiny franchise. [b][u]Our future:[/u][/b] Going into year 5 of the game has many of us in uncharted waters. Not only the Season Pass model with Bungie as an independent studio.... But as people. Some folks are newly married. Others are celebrating the arrival of firstborn children. New kids. Kids that are growing up too fast! Busy careers. Promotions at work. Purchasing our first homes, upgrading from starter homes, and cross country moves. Putting children through college. All of that to say that we have lives outside of D2... but the passion burns like the Black Armory forges, and we go HAM when we play. We just can’t no life the game. [b][u]Making contact:[/u][/b] If you want to chat about recruitment, or if you have any friends that want to chat let’s get together soon. We would rather bring folks in with long term friends than without them.... y’all stuck together for a reason! Right? Right. If you are hungry to play like Variks with the ether munchies, a new or experienced player, in between clans [i]“Welcome home!”[/i] To get the conversation rolling DM me here on to introduce yourself, then we can link up on Discord (SGT-FURY-84#1984) or PSN (SGT-FURY-84). Add Sundowners to your message, otherwise it gets ignored. After receiving your message a Discord invite kicks off your initiation process. This rite of passage is a Sundowners tradition. Everyone currently on our roster has been through it, myself included. Afterwards if all goes well a main SDS Discord server invite & clan invite will be on the way! The clan application and vetting process sounds worse than it is. It takes serious effort to botch the screening. I mean, you have already come this far! That’s the first test. There’s no need to try and sell yourself or anything crazy like that, we just want to chat gamer to gamer, learn about yourself, what you want from a clan, and answer any additional questions about us. The majority of the screening/information is right here in this post. The read only channels on our recruiting server sums up the rest. Most guardians read the clan description way up there ☝🏻 and figure out really quick if Sundowners is a good fit or not. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 🍻 Edit- Autocorrect failures courtesy of my iPhone. Or, maybe I just wanna talk about bacon as mentioned below 🔽↖️↩️🔄⬇️

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  • If you're looking for a group of players who take the grind seriously, but understand it's a game and other priorities take precedence, you've come to the right place. Everyone here is at different stages of the game, but are always willing to help when someone needs it. I've been here over two years, and not once have I had an issue with another clanmate. I was a part of SDS when my house flooded during Harvey, and I had to take a long break. When I returned it was like I never left. I missed a few DLCs and couldn't justify purchasing them, so a member helped me out and spent the next couple of hours grinding content with me that he had already done. I say all that to say this. Like Sarge said, if you're not a jerk, you'll find a home in SDS. Not a better Destiny clan out there in my opinion.

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  • Hey what’s up. I’m back after a hiatus and looking to party. Hit me up. My mother was a titan.

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    2 답변
    • 작성자: SGT-FURY-84 4/30/2019 1:38:50 PM
      [i]“Let’s see what we’ve got! Sometimes I forget you’ve killed a Hive god or two.”[/i] [b]— The Drifter[/b]

      게시물 작성 언어:


      다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

    • Fantastic group of guys and gals! I’ve been a Sundowners for 3 yrs. Clanmates are will to help you with any activity. Raid, Quest or Crucible. You name it and they are willing to help. Don’t look at me though (I’m not that good) 😀. Just kidding. I’ll try to help. Anyways, if you still love Destiny we are your Clan.

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    • 작성자: SGT-FURY-84 4/30/2019 1:38:33 PM
      [i]“I need a Guardian for all seasons.” [/i] [b]— Commander Zavala[/b]

      게시물 작성 언어:


      다른 사용자들을 존중해주세요. 게시물을 제출하기 전에 한 숨 돌리고 운영 정책을 검토하세요. 취소 수정 화력팀 생성하기 게시

    • 작성자: SGT-FURY-84 4/23/2019 4:07:54 AM
      [i]“A perfect Guardian is difficult to come by. A fireteam of perfect Guardians is almost an impossibility. Well done.” [/i] [b]— Commander Zavala[/b]

      게시물 작성 언어:


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    • Do you take members with tourette syndrome ? My last clan kicked me because they said I cussed them out ,I told them I just ran out of my medicine and it was a tick I have .

      게시물 작성 언어:


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      2 답변
      • [b]FOR THE PUPPIES![/b] [u]Zavala:[/u] Mobilizing fireteam for Operation, uh...Babydog? Why does this say Babydog? I must have forgotten to reboot the strike name generator. [u]Devrim:[/u] Operation "Babydog?" Well, it has a certain ring to it, eh? [u]Zavala:[/u] Yes..."Babydog". Well, the strike protocol is already running. Can't stop it now. Devrim? [u]Devrim:[/u] *[i]Barely holding his laughter*[/i] Yes, sorry. Fireteam "Babydog" the Taken are polluting the EDZ. We need to determine the source of—[i]*Laughs*[/i]—I'm sorry, I can't...Stand-by fireteam.

        게시물 작성 언어:


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      • The Sundowners what more can I say about this clan or what I prefer to say my second dysfunctional family of brothers and sisters, yes I say family because that's what this clan will make you feel like. I've been with the sundowners about two years now and being a Solo player for awhile I was hesitant on joining a clan, but from day one of asking to join I was welcomed with open arms it made me feel comfortable about joining a group of people that I don't know and also trying to get to know them. The selling point of the sundowners and what got me is this clan is heavy on family, what that means is family comes first, so if you're parents with kids, single mom, single dad, does not matter we even have for kids only clan, I'm just saying we all have family stuff happening or life stuff you will never feel the pressure of leaving a raid. Strike, nightfall whatever if the family comes a calling we'll be here when you get back, I've never found a more helpful, understanding, friendly, fun loving group of people like the sundowners so come join us and share in the fun I'll be looking for you peace out.

        게시물 작성 언어:


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        2 답변
        • [b]"Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imper...”[/b]

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        • I've been friends with the Sundowners for some time and they kindly invited me as a guest of their Discord. They are kind, dedicated Guardians that help each other and have fun every night. I consider myself lucky to be able to play with some of the best Guardians in the game... If you are looking for a clan, join, have fun, be ready for gifs, you will laugh.....

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          2 답변
          • 작성자: Miniman273 4/19/2019 10:16:01 AM
            I’ve not been in the sundowners long but I can honestly say that I have been welcomed with an amazing amount of kindness. I never would have had the opportunity to meet the amazing group of people I have had it not been for joining. I would recommend this clan highly to anyone that asked. It’s honestly just a big family and I’m thankful to have became a part of it

            게시물 작성 언어:


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            6 답변
            • If you’re looking for a great group of guys and gals who are down to earth and love destiny and video games as much as you do? This is a great clan for you. I’ve been in and affiliated with the sundowners for years now honestly lost track. But everyone in this great group of gamers can answer just about any question you could think of. Everything from raids, competitive, pve, others games they’ve got it covered. I enjoy everyone’s company and conversation I’ve ever come into contact with in the sundowners. Always good times and good laughs.

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              2 답변
              • I’ve been a Sundowner for about two years now. 😱 I was really into the fact that they are family-oriented. Mainly that means we understand when you have to be afk for a bit because a kid is fussing or you might hear baby gurgling while you’re playing with certain folks. I love it. I also love the fact that we have some super knowledgeable folks in our Clan. If I ever have a question about pretty much anything, someone in the Clan is sure to be able to answer that question. My SO and I are located on the West Coast and so are always interested in bringing more people from here to the Clan! We typically play with some late East Coasters and a couple of West Coasters. But we’re always open to playing with new people and any of our Clanmates. Please come join us!

                게시물 작성 언어:


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                2 답변
                • I joined the Sundowers, idk like 6 months ago? Something like that. I have had some really awesome experiences since joining the clan. Getting my first raid clear, second raid clear, first raid lair clear....etc. But if you dont want to raid there are members who help with pretty much anything. And my favorite part, it is a laid back vibe. Join the nonsense, make the laughy times and get fat loots!!!!!

                  게시물 작성 언어:


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                  2 답변
                  • I joined Sundowners about 1.5 years ago. It’s everything a community should be – fun, engaged, caring, and supportive. They take the game seriously, but everyone understands that we are adults with work and family commitments. I was on a weekly raid group until life got too busy for me to commit so much time. Did they get angry or boot me? No! They told me it was no problem and that they would still be there when I was ready to come back. They help get through new or tough content, and they really promote a community atmosphere that makes me want to help others, too. Another cool thing about the clan is the Discord channel. It’a not just another Internet dumping ground. It’s an actual community of people who know and care about each other. Even when I’m not playing, I love checking in to chat with everyone. It makes the clan so much more than just a game. In short, if you’re a mature adult looking for a great clan, Sundowners is a good bet!

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                    2 답변
                    • I have been part of sundowners for a few years.. I recently had a house fire and they came through and helped me out big time in many ways This group of people are amazing

                      게시물 작성 언어:


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                      2 답변
                      • Been a part of the clan for a bit and these guys are great! They are always willing to help and just make you feel like part of the fam! If you are in the market for a clan and want to shoot stuff with us please give Sundowners a shot!

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                        2 답변
                        • I had to leave my clan in search of more clan members willing to jump on and play some D2. Since I’ve joined Sundowners I’ve had more fun playing Destiny than ever. The clan is always ready to help and it’s a lot of fun. No fighting or yelling just laid back game play .

                          게시물 작성 언어:


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                          2 답변
                          • Sundowners is the coolest group of guys and gals. Fun, laid back atmosphere...super patient with helping me with my first raid. Good times, great clan!

                            게시물 작성 언어:


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                            2 답변
                            • Since I joined the clan anytime I’ve needed help somebody’s jumped right on to help so my experience has been rather pleasant. No complaints here, I just need to be more active myself helping others if need be. I’d blame my shift since I work odd hours and compared to the regular working folk it can be difficult to play with others but you gotta improvise, adapt, and overcome. 😎

                              게시물 작성 언어:


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                              2 답변
                              • I'm not very tech-savvy so I hope this posts correctly when I'm finished... Gaming Background: I've been with the Sundowners for over a year now, been playing Destiny shortly after the release of D1. Before joining the Sundowners I hated playing PVP and only focused on PVE and didn't even bother with doing the raids. But shortly after joining they had training sessions for PVP "tips & tricks" and numerous raiding sub-groups that made it possible to get the prized raid gear. There are so many friendly guys and gals that are always willing to help pretty much around the clock no matter what time zone u r in. I really enjoy gaming with the other Clan members, I always have a blast and there's never a dull moment!! Personal Background: I'm 44, married, 3 kids, live near Seattle, work FT, going to school FT working on my MBA in Health Care. I have been taking a break from gaming during Lent...but will be back in the groove right after Easter! The Sundowners are like an extention of my family, great people with great hearts coming from all walks of life.

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                                2 답변
                                • So, I joined Sundowners in, shoot.. 2016 (I think, it's been awhile :P), kinda by accident really. But it was the best darn accident in the Destiny Community that could have happened to me. I was that solo player who had bounced between groups but never really was nailed down. I was definitely into the game and everything but just hadn't made the jump into a clan. Anyway, thru a great series of connections via Twitter LFG-ing, I stumbled upon some very supportive, extremely knowledgeable players. After raiding with them and getting what I wanted done, I ended coming into their fold and much like other members have said, they are nothing but the best of the community. Unfortunately, with my real life and some issues with being able to use a controller, I haven't been active at all in playing, which you might think would mean that I would be gone from the community, but no! They get that life is important; in fact a lot of them are fathers, mothers, wives etc.. and a big part of what I think is awesome is that everyone gets it if you need to stop in a raid and go put a kid to bed, make a bottle, make dinner, whatever, it's a non-issue. Worry not though, as I am not a father, not married or what-have-you; they are welcoming and enjoyable nonetheless. As Ragriz said, the Discord is definitely something that really defines Sundowners! There are countless channels for all sorts of different player types, lore, spoilers (if you're into that), there's a spot for Veterans (Thanks for your service), all sorts of bots for you to make your own events, get paired etc.., There are also multiple weekly raid teams, which is a great time. I could go on for a while, but the best way to find out is to join up! We would love to have you!

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                                  2 답변
                                  • I love being in SDS. Everyone I've met is really chill and understanding that life has to come first and that we're here to have a good time and work together. I haven't been here long but I've already met so many great friends and have come to think of it as family. We couldn't have found a better clan and it's exactly what we needed.

                                    게시물 작성 언어:


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                                    1 답변
                                    • Sundowners Applicants, Did we get everyone into the recruiting server? It’s hard to tell when usernames vary between bnet, Discord, and PSN. Just wanna make sure we aren’t overlooking someone... my week ended up being much busier than expected. If you are interested in chatting please stay in touch. I’m traveling for 6 days next week, taking my 2 young children on a trip by myself. During the day my availability will be limited... I plan on focusing on quality time with various outings. However I will have evening availability during some nights at our hotel. We are visiting a handful of locations, so please be patient. I can promise you that Sundowners is worth the wait! Thanks, Sarge

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                                    • We're all human, meaning we all have good and bad days but having [b][url=]clanmates[/url][/b] that are mature enough to be accepting and open to talk through misunderstandings, or anything really, has been [u]refreshing[/u]. Maybe your clan is dying or dead, maybe you're just surrounded by toxic and shady people , maybe you feel you don't fit in... Whatever the reason, as long as you're not a jerk you'll most probably find a home with us. I joined Destiny back when Taken King came out and joined a clan soon after. It was my first attempt at being social online but I placed myself in a group that didn't help me grow and open up. Historically it's been difficult for me to gain friendships or just gain enough trust to participate in any type of personal, and even impersonal, conversations. So, I felt I needed to move on and was lucky enough to find [b][url=]Sundowners[/url][/b] towards the end of May 2018. Being around people that just want to have fun and can handle dying over and over and over again without getting pissed off made me feel comfortable enough to start molting my shell. I finally started feeling like I belonged to something that I was truly passionate about ([i]besides my career[/i]). Not having kids nor being married allows me to be one of the unicorn sheep in the clan that's able to partake in no-life gaming once in a while. This in turn lets me share with my [url=]clanmates[/url] so we get the most out of the Destiny experience. All my non-gamers friends always hear about my [b][url=]SDS[/url][/b] family and how tight we are. It's truly turned my life around. It just really boils down to what you are looking for and what you are willing to put in. A clan is only as strong and kind as the players who make it up. From [b]timid[/b] to [b]confident[/b] in less than a year. I'd say I made more progress with my self-improvements than I ever did with counseling. Not that I didn't get counseling once in a while, but you get my drift and if you don't then ask the Drifter - [i]he's got my back[/i]. If you have the desire to belong somewhere -[i][b]community[/b][/i]- and you decent human being, then what are you waiting for? Check out our profile [b][url=]Sundowners[/url][/b] Share [b][url=]Sundowners[/url][/b] with a friend Maybe make a [b][url=]Sundowners[/url][/b] t-shirt... ok maybe not... or not just [b]yet[/b]... haha

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