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작성자: JonnyMadDog1 11/28/2018 9:04:44 PM

In muh own opinion, 9 / 1 1 was a false-flag operation and inside job done by nanothermite controlled demolition conducted by the U S S A deep state Federal government at the behest of Izzy/Sowdi/PNAC proxies of the n W o/negative aliens Good comment section. Think this wonderful gentleman is a Free mason as rumored also possibly evident by the byrd symbolism, frequently seen elsewhere that they use? EDIT: Roodee Pew Candiazz (((Gew)))leeoneee may have helped cover it all up due to monopoly on arbitration and first response and crym scene experience. Wish all of this to be investigated. Truhmp tower may have a BahtCave underneath it and an 'luminati/anti-luminati organization beneath it/beneath N Y C in the sewers. Need seismographical information from a tool that can hit the ground and show, like Oak Islnd shyznit.

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  • USA government has already open.y admitted that they once considered a plot to hijack their own civilian flight and crash it in a terrorist style effect to blame their enemy and justify war. It was called operation north woods, about 40 years prior to 9/11. So to anyone that claims the government wouldn't attack their own citizens, they would.

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    1 답변
    • Yeah eye know all about that, they also admitted it would take a Pearl Harbr type event too and Truhmp's family has had ties with the Dubya wytchcraft clan and Nkola Tezluh and 'e got mysteriously 'cided, Jubjub Boosh sure piped down when Truhmp brought up the 48 pages, perhaps they are ALL in on sht and it's like that skulnbonz movie with Johsh Hrtnett and a club of blacknmail. Similar to how Hrvy Weinstn was likely not plyaying ball and was trimmed fat to some.

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    • I guess this is why they say opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one.

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    • Put down that chainsaw and listen to me It's time for us to join in the fight It's time to let your babies grow up to be cowboys It's time to let the bedbugs bite You better put all your eggs in one basket You better count your chickens before they hatch You better sell some wine before its time You better find yourself an itch to scratch You better squeeze all the Charmin you can while Mr. Whipple's not around Stick your head in the microwave and get yourself a tan Talk with your mouth full Bite the hand that feeds you Bite off more than you chew What can you do Dare to be stupid Take some wooden nickles Look for Mr. Goodbar Get your mojo working now I'll show you how You can dare to be stupid You can turn the other cheek You can just give up the ship You can eat a bunch of sushi and forget to leave a tip Dare to be stupid Come on and dare to be stupid It's so easy to do Dare to be stupid We're all waiting for you Let's go It's time to make a mountain out of a molehill So can I have a volunteer There's no more time for crying over spilled milk Now it's time for crying in your beer Settle down, raise a family, join the PTA Buy some sensible shoes and a Chevrolet And party 'till you're broke and they drag you away It's OK, you can dare to be stupid It's like spitting on a fish It's like barking up a tree It's like I said you gotta buy one if you wanna get one free Dare to be stupid (yes) Why don't you dare to be stupid It's so easy to do Dare to be stupid We're all waiting for you Dare to be stupid Burn your candle at both ends Look a gift horse in the mouth Mashed potatoes can be your friends You can be a coffee achiever You can sit around the house and watch Leave It To Beaver The future's up to you So what you gonna do Dare to be stupid Dare to be stupid

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      2 답변
      • Yeah well in my opinion I think you’re a troll because nobody can be this consistently delusional with such consistently awful grammar

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      • Well that's yr opinion and yr entitled to it, but eye do not respect what it is in regards to reciprocating it. Yr wrong. Mey spelln/mispelln/grammr/syntax is muh own reasons eye'm not divulging here nor now nor to yew of all people and eye'm not delusional, these r muh real opinions.

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      • Eye'm NOT dyslexic.

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        4 답변
        • How could it be an inside job if the planes came from the outside?

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        • ... Wow, original, I really like the addition of dyslexia... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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        • Interesante copypasta for once.

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        • Bush

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        • I peepeermyself

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