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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
10/4/2017 3:12:33 AM

The true flaw of Destiny

So, ever since destiny 1 there had always been one thing I've never understood. Why is it that if my Light/Power level is way below an enemy's that I do negative 50 damage to them total. Yet. For some god forsaken reason. We can't come back to, say, an event where the enemies are 50 Light/Power when we are max and walk through them taking no damage. Instead, it just feels like I'm taking the same damage from them that I did when I was their level. Like, come on if we reach max level we should feel like gods. Invincible to the lesser lower level beings of the world. TL;DR why is the difference in power/light not treated the same between us and enemies.

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