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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Miofwin 7/27/2017 6:50:46 PM

We want MORE turbines!

I don't want the turbines, they're too hard for me


I, myself an intellectual, want more turbines


So, as the article said, they """"""fixed"""""" the turbines by removing 2 of them. Apparently, [i]some[/i] players had trouble looking at the [b]on-screen[/b], yes, [b]on-screen[/b] waypoint and timing their jumps. But us intellectuals in the community found it too easy. We want more turbines. 4, at the very least. Maybe even 6, or 8 or even 10. The skies the limit! Put them everywhere, Story, Strikes, Raids, Multiplayer, Lost Sectors, Public Events and anywhere else. MORE TURBINES!!!

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