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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
7/27/2017 6:39:34 AM

A Long, Friendly Conversation About D2 BETA. Thoughts/Likes/Dislikes/Concerns

First of all, I just want to say thank you to Bungie for creating such an amazing world. Destiny has changed my life, and I am forever grateful. I just want to clarify from the get go that the vision they had for Destiny 2 was apparent, and I could not be happier with the direction that they are headed. I logged somewhere over 60 hours of the beta, and what will be below is my thought/likes/dislikes/concerns. I wanted to give back as much feedback as possible for the BETA, to ensure that my voice was heard and that a concise message was being sent. A lot of what will be said was based on the extensive amount of game time I had, along with speaking with other members of the community from all platforms (streamers, Yters, reddit, normal guardians, diehard guardians, new guardians). First off, I loved it, I want to preface that. I also want it to be known that I don't want it to seem like I'm just complaining and asking for nerfs. I will be talking about problems/glitches when need be, and addressing some thoughts I had about certain aspects of the game. PvP - This is the Crucible I have been waiting for. More emphasis on gunplay, less ability driven, 4v4. Maps felt pretty balanced, guns felt balanced, the new gun tiers are incredible. There are some slight tweaks and concerns I have: -I love the direction of more emphasis on gunplay instead of abilities. Having them timed and everything is wonderful. That being said, it seems that the supers could use a little buff in charge time. I noticed that you would get a super about 3/4 of the way through a game if you were doing well, maybe later. Most games of QP (Quickplay) I would end up getting my super when my team had around 60-65 points, if doing well. This led to a super frenzy the last minute of the game. Getting a super midway through the game would feel more appropriate. I like that if you don't play well, you won't get a super. -Recovery seems to take quite a long time. I don't know if this is a strategy the pvp team came up with to enforce smarter play or not, but in my personal opinion, it could use a slight increase in recovery. The timing felt like almost 10 seconds before I could engage again. If this is meant to be, then by all means keep it. -Shot registration felt off on a lot of different accounts. Whether this is a BETA problem or a server problem, it needs to be addressed. I really hope it's the former, not the latter. I would connect with my super on an enemy and it wouldn't register (happened a lot with sentinel, sometimes arcstrider). It felt like that with Nova as well, but I don't know if that's intentional or not due to potentially reduced AOE? But even still, i've hit people from point blank and they didn't take any damage. Handcannons seemed to have really bad shot registration. Regardless if they aren't meant to be the powerhouses of the crucible like they were in D1, a lot of shots didn't connect. I don't know if this was a mechanic implemented to ensure there wasn't a ton of pvp dominance with this gun type or not, or if it was server problems. -There were a lot of times where I was killed behind walls, or I killed someone behind a wall. If this is just a BETA issue, that's fine. I just hope it is fixed by the time the game is released. If it is a server issue, then this could be a major problem, keeping D2 from having a successful pvp experience, especially with the potential of a competitive scene. - I love the fact that supers are easier to kill with the introduction of energy weapons doing more damage, along with the strong steam shooting that comes with the new pvp style of play. You now have to calculate a proper time to pop your super, and there is a fair chance you could be outgunned or outclassed. It is nice that the ability is no longer an end-all situation. That being said, I still believe he Arcstrider could use an increase in base speed, or a gap closer. Even with the mastery of learning the combos, and knowing when is an opportune time to strike, there were a fair amount of times where the enemy team would easily outrun me, or instantly mow me down as I attempted to approach. I understand the team most likely doesn't want supers being so heavily influential on a match, and I get that, but since they have already been toned down from the burn damage and not getting them as often, I feel like it could use a boost in speed. -Hunters in general, although one of my favorite classes to play during the beta, felt like a weak option for both PvP and PvE, due to their supers and lack of an ability that would help your team (mainly PvE). Like I said eariler, a gap closer or base speed should be added to arc. If there was a way to give the hunter an ability that gave everyone a base increase in speed while dodging, or having their throwing knife do more AOE damage in PvE, or hell, even making it to where the enemy hit with the throwing knife is blinded, or supressed, or will take more damage. Anything to make the hunter something that people would at least have to somewhat consider for D2 when launch comes around. - There needs to be a 10 minute ban from crucible if you leave a competitive match. 2/3 games I played towards the end of the beta had at least one person on a team leave mid match. Or at least some form of punishment needs to be implemented. If there is already some sort of punishment in game, and it wasn't put in the beta for the sake of a more enjoyable beta, then that is fine. - There were also a lot of missed melees. Again, this could be a beta thing, but if it is a server thing, anything y'all can do to address it would be nice. -Fusion rifles could use a decrease in ammo. Too strong of a gun type to have that much ammo in my opinion. I like where they are at now, DON'T NERF ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE :) -Skill based matchmaking. This is going to be something that y'all have heard plenty of, but it felt too strict. After a while, I kept running into some of the same people, a lot of them had full teams. I enjoy close games, but I would have thought it wouldn't have been implemented in Quickplay. Of course, if there was no other way to do that, or just wanted to test SBMM on both game types, that's fine. As long as it's not like that on release. Also, with the emphasis of communication and strong team play, it was hard to solo queue and relax while doing so. I felt the need to consistently try very hard or get absolutely demolished. After adapting and trying to play better with my team, it helped, but still wasn't enjoying myself as much due to stacked teams I would consistently go against. And if you want a balance for PvP, having close games regardless of what crucible match, I understand, but just wanted to address it. PvE -The story is amazing. This alone will be something that makes Destiny 2 an incredible game, regardless of Crucible or end game content. The story mission tugged my heart, I loved being able to play with NPC's that have been a part of our lives for 3 years now. The cutscenes were incredible, looked beautiful, and kept you hooked. -The strike was a lot of fun! I've heard complaints that the boss was just a bullet sponge, but I understand the team had to tread carefully on how hard or how many mechanics were added to this strike, due to the fact that it's a beta and you are bringing in a potentially new crowd that is unfamiliar with the game. You don't want to overwhelm them or give them a strike that is too difficult. This especially makes sense if the same strike will be available for PC Beta. The strike boss had three different encounters to him, which made it a ton of fun. The strike map itself was MASSIVE, and I loved that you could just explore and not be restrained by a small map. It gets me so excited for patrols, with the emphasis on exploration. - As addressed already, power ammo doesn't spawn as often, but there has already been confirmation that this has been changed in a new build of the game. Other -The game looks amazing. Even though it is 30FPS, you can tell that there's a huge difference in graphics. -The new director, being able to pull up a queue in any circumstance is nice. -The pvp overlay is nice. -The soundtrack is INCREDIBLE -There were problems with people not being able to see each other when trying to play a match of Countdown -Infinite super in strike -Infinite grenade on Voidwalker Overall, it was an amazing Beta. There is a lot written here, and it may seems like I am being hyper-critical, but I am only addressing things that I thought could use a tweak, or merely a suggestion. The beta was a big success IMO. That is all, Guardians Jogging Zombies

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