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2/18/2017 9:51:39 PM

Am I The Only Person Who Thinks This Patch Was Perfect (Except for :)

the need to fix health regen perks and "un-break" a few exotics? i can't see how anyone could possibly think this patch wasn't good (aside from those two things) unless they have been spending their entire life behind a sniper or shottie and can't even function without unlimited K/D farming with Shortgaze and Rangefinder

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  • 작성자: SilentFight2411 2/19/2017 2:48:40 PM
    "...unless they have been spending their entire life behind a sniper or shottie..." That is the sole reason whiners and criers are on here in droves now. The forums were flooded in less than 24 hours with special ammo nerf whine a$$e$. They lost the ammo for their ohk guns & are freaking out because they've never used a primary in the game's lifespan but I guess that's what happens if you just insist playing easy mode all the time. I've seen a poster child for all the whine a$$e$ start a "petition" to get the prepatch special ammo economy back. lmao This made be stretching it a little but I have to say, but this patch is a primary gun users dream now that we don't have to worry about shotguns being blown up are a$$es and out through our mouths anymore every 15 seconds or so. I was slow at it but after figuring out that sidearms were such a good counter to the speedy mario brother shotgunners I started using them (this was prepatch). One of the few tiny things that angers me a little about this patch is now sniper & shotgun mains have figured out how awesome & underrated sidearms are now sidearms are probably going to be the next thing nerf herders with ruin.

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  • In balanced game you don't have to force people to use the games principle weapons. You don't have to shoehorn people into a narrow rang of play styles so that they don't break the game. This patch is a joke because it once again refuses to deal. With the root causes of the games balance problems. It's underpowered primaries.

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  • We will never know unless we have facts and figures and not mindless praise and or mindless salt. I have yet to see recordings, actual stories, idk- i want to see solid feedback. Why exactly is this patch perfect for you? I have not gotten to play yet and I wish i had spare money for live- but rn my priorities are school and mma- so in 1-2 months hopefully i can see how it is.

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    1 답변
    • 작성자: piratepatchy243 2/19/2017 3:04:29 AM
      This patch is garbage, they need to revert the special ammo nerf. Btw I'm an auto and fusion rifle user, and if you could see what I do with them you'd call them "op".

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    • i can cast the first stone, as i have NEVER cheated, farmed K/D, or abused the "meta" - - never which is why i have a waltz high rate of fire pulse with counter balance, perfect balance, and high caliber rounds with 31 bullets in the magazine instead of 18; because i thought outside of the box

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      6 답변
      • Honestly I've been enjoying my time testing out different weapons and actually winning most engagements & matches. The screw up with health regen perks and the nerf to Truth is pretty bad on Bungie's part. But overall the experience is rather positive, I don't understand the negative reaction from other players (those guys are probably frustrated cause of special ammo nerf and the shotguns were adjusted correctly IMO), use a primary.

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      • I like that I can kill well again with autos And hand cannon accuracy seems better But special disappearing is super lame

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      • With that 0.9 KD, someone could use an auto rifle and you would scream NERF

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      • Not liking how only one secondary has special ammo all the time. But it feels OK.

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        12 답변
        • You're not alone, but you're in the minority. Evidence? Check the drop in play since Tuesday.

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          12 답변
          • nope. you are in the bottom lmfao

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          • Bungie employee confirmed

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          • I'm liking the outcome of most of it too guardian.

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            1 답변
            • I'm liking it too. I also think Health regen needs to be fixed but also for blades as their was no reason for that nerf to begin with. At the same time IMHO it hasn't been a big deal at all anyways so if they don't it wont be the end of the world. I also think Side arms should loose all [u]reserve[/u] ammo on death but not whats in the magazine. That way people cant hoard side arm ammo death after death but instead after death they will still re-spawn with some to hold them over until they find a crate. That way it still promotes side arm use but wont let people abuse it. And primaries are still the main weapons used. Also I feel that NLB needs to have its fake flinch replaced with the same flinch all normal sniper have. The other metas changes made NLB a bit on the tarded side of the scale.

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            • 작성자: TheShadow 2/18/2017 10:23:24 PM
              I'm going to keep repeating myself but oh well lol. When Bungie actually treats this entire game with respect and give both game modes their incentive and separate the balance between both game mods. Then will talk about a patch being perfect. Until then, this patch like many were unacceptable. Down voted for only looking at one aspect of this game.

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            • Eh, I only played for trials and its super stale now.

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            • 작성자: Kone19ps 2/18/2017 9:56:34 PM
              Is love the patch sidearms should not regen ammo on death though if they don't lose it. I have other complaints but special as power weapons I've wanted since release

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