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작성자: chucklenoris 10/6/2015 1:34:05 PM

Ghost in a Chest

This short forum is about gold chests, key chests, and finding dead ghosts. To save time a lot of Youtube vids will be posted here. Gold chests differ from normal chests as they have set loot. They are also limited to five, currently, to each planet/moon. Earth → 5 total Moon → 5 total Venus → 5 total Mars → 5 total Dreadnaught → no gold, but several key chests This set loot is based off of the time/level you should of found these. A max level toon will not benefit as much from these chest as a level 3-15. Two items a max level will get out of finding these now: (1) Strange Coin and (1) class specific sparrow. You get the coin on Mars and the sparrow from Earth. Below is the video from Youtube that is very well done. If starting a new toon this would be good to watch so your toon can benefit from these chests. The creator uses missions to go and find these chests and his logic makes sense by using quest markers, but I will note that all, but maybe one or two can be found on patrols. One would be the last chest on the moon. You will have to do the strike to get into boss room, as this is the only time it opens. But it is quick and painless, 15minutes with a good team. On Mars one chest is located in the subway area. The mission takes you right to it, but if you are like me and patrol for it, it will take some time. One silver lining to this is I had the Vex ultra and champion bounty the day I went looking for this chest and the outer court of the subway has five of these guys and spawn rates are high. Not to also mention the Taken were attacking and I was able to fulfill that bounty as well.

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