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작성자: Supersport05 11/11/2015 12:56:53 PM

Clan / Friends list improvement, necessities

Clans are great to solve the LFG problem; I'm part of a great group of guys that are around my general age, with kids as well, so we share similar life restrictions. We help each other on all sorts of things such as the raids, tough missions, exotic quest lines etc. But yeah even with that an in-game LFG is absolutely needed. I'd venture to say as the numbers of players peak and start to fall, they'll add one. There also needs to be some major enhancements for the clans and those with friends lists spanning over a few pages. Here's a few off the top of my head: 1. Have a clan-specific filter in your in-game roster page i.e let me filter out non clan mates 2. Let me sort specific friends ALWAYS to the top, i.e. put my in-real-life friends I commonly group with up front, even if offline. 3. Show which of my pages of friends are already in a group, (like how it's done in PVP with the little gray bar running along the right side of groups), let me filter them in or out 4. Visually indicate which friends are in a full party, let me un-show full parties 5. Let me broadcast an LFG to my clan in-game i.e. when I want to raid I can just say it quickly. Give the recipients an in-game tab (similar to roster, character, inventory) that allows them to quickly add clan members posting an LFG, eliminating the need to jump out to the console menus to hunt for and accept an invitation 6. Let me sort and filter them based on level or class, or by mission type Raiding, strikes, PVP, daily mission, or who's in a fully party, who needs one person etc. 7. When a group is raiding show me details of WHERE they are in the raid, i.e. are they before the first boss, are they tackling Oryx? 8. In an activity, (patrol, daily mission, PVP etc.) show me more than "1 friend is here" , show me WHICH friend is there and more importantly give me a button to quickly join them without having to dig through my friends list checking each damn one. 9. How about having it when I do invite a random into my party while running a mission, it auto-fills out the "Play Destiny" BS text in the invitation with the mission I'm playing? i.e. "Play Promethian Code" would be much more helpful and less time consuming to type it out on a console controller. I would love to hear others' suggestions, additions, changes or general comments. The gameplay (especially post-TTK) is awesome, but the social part of this "social game" needs some love. Edit 1: I'll add to my behemoth list above: 10. How about an in-game "invite to join clan" button so we can never have to mess with talking someone new to the game through finding the "assign as my clan button" on again

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