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  • グループ情報

    For the loners, like myself, my PS3 clan is for those who don't have anyone to play with, which makes certain things like Weekly, Nightfall, Raids etc. impossible. Together, we stand united...... Blah Blah Blah, basically join my group if you need someone to play with. Thanks!

  • メンバーシップ

    301 メンバー
    9 年(グループ設立から)
  • 管理者

  • タグ済み

オリジナルの投稿元:The Loner Group PS3
1/5/2015 4:55:26 PM

Group Rules

So here are the rules for my The Loner Group, not too many, but I'd appreciate it everyone would follow as stated. 1. No Racist, Sexist, or Homophobic language is to be used, but I have faith that you won't 2. Lets try to keep this group a clean one. Try to use uplifting, encouraging words. Crude, abusive or foul language will not be tolerated. 3. When new members join, make them feel welcomed! Be willing to help them out, and show 'em the ropes. I started this group with that idea in mind, so keep that spirit going :) 4. This one is important to me everyone, and I'm serious when I say...... Absolutely no Pornography, gory violence, or just plain gross things on this group. I will boot you, and I will report you. I have a no-tolerance policy when it comes to this, guys. Please don't make me boot you, because I don't want to! 5. If you do post something, make sure that it is clean. Everyone enjoys a good, clean laugh. I'm sorry if I seem like a stick in the mud to anyone, but I feel that these rules are here to help everyone, and I'd appreciate it if everyone would follow accordingly. Now get out there, have some fun with your new friends, and..... BECOME LEGEND! (Sorry, I couldn't resist)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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