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Need Help With the Raid

「We help people with little to no experience through the Raid」

  • グループ情報

    We help people complete the raid for the first time to get them started. As we play through the raid we will teach you all the parts and mechanics of the raid itself. Requirements: level 26 at least, mic required, at least 2-3 hours three (tend more toward 3) We do the raid from start to finish so please don't ask us to help with a certain part of the raid.

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    66805 メンバー
    9 年(グループ設立から)
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オリジナルの投稿元:Need Help With the Raid
3/8/2022 10:41:36 AM

need help with vault of glass.

Hello everyone, alright quick introduction i have been in destiny since the beginning i did the raids exept last one in destiny 1, i have made friends that haven't done the raids in destiny 2 just like me in that time we are over ll: 1555, currently want to run vault of glass for vex mythoclast exotic and then continue to work on the other raids but we need 4 to have a full fireteam. We both have individual discord servers wich can be used during the raids and for the future if the people that helps want to run casually through some raids more often. Hit me up with a line on discord if interested: Synsationwolf#5694



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