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Need Help With the Raid

「We help people with little to no experience through the Raid」

  • グループ情報

    We help people complete the raid for the first time to get them started. As we play through the raid we will teach you all the parts and mechanics of the raid itself. Requirements: level 26 at least, mic required, at least 2-3 hours three (tend more toward 3) We do the raid from start to finish so please don't ask us to help with a certain part of the raid.

  • メンバーシップ

    66804 メンバー
    9 年(グループ設立から)
  • 管理者

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2/13/2015 4:53:58 PM

360 vog normal

I am level 27 with a mic I have done vog but only got to the Templar. I will be doin it at Friday 1 pm central time



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