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Dads of Destiny GMT

「hit smart, hit hard, hit together」

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    Dads of destiny sub group for UK/Euro GMT PS4 Dad's. We aim to create great teams of players that work together and create an entity that is greater than the sum of its parts. any one can run with strangers, but to run a strike or a pvp with other fathers as brothers in arms is a wiser option. No level/equipment/skills/play time or guardian type requirements, we only ask that you're friendly and enjoy playing. Join us on Facebook [url=]Dads Of Destiny GMT Facebook page[/url] can all new members post there psn id's in [url=]New members and Psn ID's announcement post[/url]

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    857 メンバー
    10 年(グループ設立から)
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Slim_JJ_2020により編集済み: 1/26/2016 2:04:13 AM

Virgin King's Fall run -- CLOSED

Guardian’s for a virgin run on King’s Fall. The Destinair Pony Club (don't ask) is me, Sofaprone and agladman. We’re all DoD, and play together most weeks. We’ve been holding off on doing King’s Fall because, well, it took us a while to all get to the appropriate light level, but mostly because we wanted to have a go at a raid without guides. By the time we joined the clan in year one, guided raids were well established —which was brilliant. For King’s Fall though we thought working out the game mechanics for each bit seems like it might be fun. Or at least we’d like to give it a bit of a go. This week we would like to finally have a run at King’s Fall. We are trying to clear as much time as possible for this, but with family commitments it is reasonably likely that we won’t complete the whole thing. We are also going to have to run quite late for the same reason. We are looking for at least 3 more guardians to come along with us this week, ideally with some more who are willing to sub (agladman can’t make all the sessions and sofaprone’s wife could go in to labour at any minute(!)). The aim is to have fun, try and get as far as we can. Criteria to join: Ideally light level 290 or above (we may not complete anyway, but we definitely won’t if we’re underpowered) Never done the King’s Fall raid! Other than that, new players welcome -- if you are a year two DoD who has been holding off on raiding for some reason, this will be a great no-pressure way to give it a go. Then we can all try and get on HABO raids the following week and see how the people who know what they're doing do it. If we can't get enough people we'll probably just go on and mess around as usual. Looking at the following sessions. Ideally the same people for all of them... Wednesday 10pm 1 Slim_jj_2020 2 Sofaprone 3 agladman 4 Khayn33 5 6 sub: sub: Thursday 9pm 1 Slim_JJ_2020 2 Sofaprone 3 Khayn33 4 5 6 sub: sub: Friday 10pm 1 Slim_jj_2020 2 Sofaprone 3 agladman 4 Khayn33 5 6 Sub: cyberskull sub: Saturday 10pm 1 Slim_jj_2020 2 Sofaprone 3 agladman 4 Khayn33 5 Tuttle82 6 Sub: Sub: Of course, if we get properly stuck I might be back here asking for help from all you experienced raiders... Cheers, Sean [b][/b] Update: Got as far as the Basilica. Probably give it another go in a couple of weeks.



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