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オリジナルの投稿元:Secular Sevens
Cultmeisterにより編集済み: 3/24/2013 7:53:44 AM

Are we relying too much on the internet nowadays?

so in today's world it seems as though everything i could ever need to do can be done on the internet. i can work on the internet i can bank on the internet i can play games on the internet i can watch films on the internet i can watch live TV on the internet i can listen to music on the internet i can communicate with all my friends at once on the internet i can talk face-to-face with the friends i like on the internet i can get a girlfriend / boyfriend on the internet i can shop for groceries on the internet i can buy a new car on the internet i can send my special someone flowers, chocolates and a birthday card on the internet i can book a holiday to Japan on the internet i can learn about the history of Cornish Pasties on the internet i can find out pretty much any piece of information i want on the internet and this is just the stuff you have a choice to do over the internet or not; many many things are being phased out (or already have been) in favour of internet-equivalents. is this too much for the modern human being? imagine what would happen if suddenly the internet went down and [b]never[/b] came back. could we as a species cope? are we putting too many of our needy eggs in the one basket that is the internet? do we really need to rely on technology [i]this [/i]much? discuss.



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