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オリジナルの投稿元:Secular Sevens
Ninja Guardianにより編集済み: 1/31/2013 6:19:52 AM

Syria says Israeli strike aircraft bombed a Syrian military research facility northwest of Damascus.

So yeah, that happened. Israeli strike planes bombed a military research facility northwest of Damascus. Israel doesn't bomb targets outside of Israel and Palestine often. Apparently the Israelis bombed the base to prevent a shipment of weapons provided by Assad's regime from getting to Hezbollah. Yeah the shipment included anti-air missiles to shoot down Israeli aircraft, which is bad news for Israel because like America they rely heavily on their airpower also. No word yet on which type of aircraft were used for the airstrike but there's a good chance they used their F-15Es and F-16s along with their other F-15s for escort against the Syrian Air Force.



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