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オリジナルの投稿元:Secular Sevens
3/14/2013 9:43:33 PM

LHC cements Higgs boson identification

[url=]Linky[/url] [quote]The Higgs, long theorised as the means by which particles get their mass, had been the subject of a decades-long hunt at the world's particle accelerators. Yet there is still some uncertainty as to whether the particle is indeed a Higgs, and if so, what type it is. Results at the Moriond meeting in Italy suggest strongly that the particle's "spin" is consistent with a Higgs. Teams from the two Higgs-hunting experiments, Atlas and CMS, analysed two-and-a-half times more data than were available in July in an effort to pin down not only the particle's existence, but also something about its character. All that is conclusively established is that the particle is in the family of bosons, but researchers had been careful since July to describe it as "Higgs-like".[/quote]Yay!



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