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Valen_Grimoireにより編集済み: 1/21/2015 5:53:01 AM

SO YOU WANT TO BE A JOKE? FANTASTIC~! (aka, the welcome and rules post)

HELLO If you are reading this, its because of one of two things... or perhaps three? Lets see... ~Maybe your not a member yet, and just like to check out whats what? ~Maybe you ARE a member, and you are thinking if there is ANY sort of rules in this chaos? ~Maybe you just have some bad gas.... go ahead, its natural. Whatever the reason might be, welcome to THE CLAN OF THE COSMIC JOKE ! Here at the COCJ, we try our best to do one thing. WHATEVER WE WANT. Help? Done. Trolling? Done. Chat? Done. Art? Done. In short, this is free-form guild that anyone can join. Want to show off that new drawing? FLAUNT IT PROUD! Want to rant your arise off? RAGE MY POKEMON, RAAAAGE~!!!! Want to simply ask for help in a mission? PLEASE DO! ....But, like all things, there must be ORDER in madness. If not, then the madness is not any fun, ya know? So, here are the basic rules and guidelines for the guild. ~~~~ 1: Thou shall obey all BUNGIE/DESTINY rules and guidelines. 2: Thou shall not be a bully. You can rant, but lets not be a jerk and make fights, ok? 3: Thou shall not assume that by joining this guild, you will be friends with all people that is with the guild. Even the leader/admins. To make it simple, dont just join for friends.... Join to have fun, and make friends along the way. 4: Thou shall not fight the leader or admins about the rules. Its there for you so stop fussing. 5: Thou shall not be required to do anything for the guild. Do not fell you owe the group anything. 6: Thou shall NEVER post anything distasteful on the forums. Im looking at you, NSFW. Your kind is just not welcome here, and neither are links to them. ~~~~ That's about it for now~! The rules MIGHT change now and then, to comply with the guild. So keep your eye on them now and then, to keep yourself updated. Remember, this is a free-form guild for whatever, so have fun~! .



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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