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Wolfman09により編集済み: 1/20/2015 3:06:22 AM

#WHU PS4 offering clan membership to anyone who wants to be part of a good team

Check us out if interested, this is not a guarantee you will be in the clan, the majority of are members are east coast as of now. A lot of us are also military vets. please read are mission statement for the rules, i really think the rules are easy to follow and make us a better clan. We do not care if you suck, but if you do suck let us know so we can help you, please listen to our guys because we are all vet raiders, we mainly want people we all mesh well with and anyone who likes to joke around but can be serous when needed. We do have a recruitment stage before you can join but again its not really based on skill its more just how well we all get along. Lets be honest, its not fun to play with people who are annoying or who can't put there ego aside of 5 seconds and just get some advice or help when needed. But we are always helping people in the clan here is a basic week for us... Tuesday - run everyone though the nightfall and beat crota once before everyone has to go to bed, we all work. Wednesday- Run through Crota until everyone has beaten him with all characters. Thursday- Knock out all weekly heroics for xur on friday, then do a hard vog run if there is time. Friday- knock out the rest of vogs that are needed. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, help out anyone that needs to do anything aka nightfalls, raids, leveling characters, iron banner, bounties, etc. If this is not what you are looking for we also have an alliance clan called The Pain, they are some pretty good guys, they might be more of what you are looking for. Also we are an adult clan so if swearing makes you cringe we might not be the best clan for you. Message me your gamer tag if you are interested in joining. If I do not get back to right away I apologize I will as soon as I can.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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