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1/19/2015 2:18:21 PM

PS4 Clan "Exiled Mercenaries" is recruiting members

PS4 clan Exiled Mercenaries is looking for Guardians to form Fireteams and tackle raids, crucible pvp, daily, weekly, nightfall, and story missions. We welcome anyone from the most experienced players to the freshest kinderguardians. We all do what we can to help one another because the only way to get through the toughest of challenges is by sticking together. (Unless you want to solo crota that's fine). Join us so that together we can become legend. If interested, send me a private message via bungie so I can get to know you a little better. In the message, submit the following to determine your approval: 1. Gamer tag 2. Guardian(s) character and level 3. Location (for timezone purposes) 4. Microphone? Y/N Your approval to the clan will be granted when you receive our "Exiled Mercenaries" clan tag under your name and a Friend Request by me so we can form Fireteams and get things rolling. *This is a PS4 only clan since we all wanna play together. MUST HAVE A HEADSET! Communication is key! Thanks and hope to see you out there Guardians!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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