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1/18/2015 7:38:40 PM
You know why we get repeats of everything? Because that is what people want. Gamers say they want change and innovation, then attack anything that changes. When Nintendo tried to make gaming more interactive, people attacked them. When Microsoft tried to make the Xbox more than just a gaming console, people attacked them. On the flip aide every COD sells millions of copies for a glorified graphical update. This is what gamers want. There are plenty of innovative and new games and ideas, but they don't get the attention or support of the sequelized games. A good example is the Halo 5 beta where after gamers complained about lack of innovation in the series 343i decided to listen. 343i is trying to take the old Halo formula and make it new and fresh, I think they are doing a hell of a good job too, but no matter where you look all you'll see is "OMG 343i is ruining Halo, why can't they keep it the way it used to be". Gamers moan and lament the current state of the industry then abuse anyone or anything that tries to break that mold. It's ridiculous that it happens and yet its true. Even the most vocal of those supporters of change and innovation likely have a fair share of a sequels they complain about.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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