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Destiny について話し合おう
1/14/2015 6:38:31 AM

Just an Artist...

Eva Levante was in her usual space near the Speaker, offering her wares to a Hunter when a Titan came up to her. The Hunter left with a new Shader, and Eva turned to greet the Titan, “Hello there, looking for a new style?” She looked him over, his Armada Type 3 armor and the logo on the Pulse Rifle he wore on his back both proof of his dedication to the Vanguard. The Titan, an Exo, decided to entertain her for a time, looking over her Shaders and Emblems. Eva could tell he wasn’t interested, not the first to go window-shopping. He turned to look at Eva, pausing a moment to ponder his words, before he simply said, “I’m onto you.” Eva had to pause, confused, then she smiled and asked, “Onto me? What do you mean?” This seemed to strengthen the Titan’s resolve, and he told her, “Just that, I’m onto your game, whatever it is.” She smirked, amused by this seemingly-paranoid Titan as she asked, “What is your name, Titan?” The Exo Titan paused a moment, then decided there was no harm in telling her. “I’m Black-25,” He said, “And I know you’re not a simple artist.” Eva frowned a little, then asked, “And what makes you think I’m anything but an artist? I’ve been selling Shaders and Emblems in the Tower for years now, just ask anyone around, even the Speaker will tell you as much.” Black crossed his arms, looking her over, “Perhaps others in the field have been too busy fighting the enemy or gathering resources to think about the missions they’re sent on during patrol, but I have noticed the unusual nature of your requests.” Eva tilted her head and smiled, “I would figure a Warlock would be the one to question the nature of such requests.” Black countered, “Titans may not be considered thinkers but that doesn’t mean we’re stupid, or blind to the world around us.” Eva frowned and could only reply “touché…” Black pressed on, “What, may I ask, did you need with those scans of that Hive Seeder Engine on the Moon, or the potential Vex Communication System?” Eva smiled, an answer ready for him, “I was hoping to use the data gathered as inspiration for new Emblems and Shaders, for your fellow Guardians who have taken up oaths against those particular enemies.” Eva could see the Titan wasn’t entirely convinced by her explanation. “And what about the Docking Caps and Fusor Proxy Drives from the Fallen on Venus you had me get?” Black looked at her accusingly, and Eva started to look concerned, “What information did you get from the Cabal Defense net?” Eva frowned, not amused by this conversation anymore. “Black, was it? I’m sure you’ve taken many missions while on Patrol, haven’t you? Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, AND Future War Cult have all requested your services, and I’m sure they’ve told you to keep quiet on things? Why don’t you seem to worry about them?” Black thought a moment, then looked to Eva. “You’re right, I’ve completed many missions for the three factions, and the Vanguard, and sometimes the factions have asked me to keep quiet. I’m sure sometimes their objectives are questionable, but at the end of the day none of them pretend to be anything but what they are.” Black took a step closer to Eva. “You can keep pretending to be an artist, but someday the truth will come out. Whatever the truth may be, whatever it is you’re hiding, know this,” The Titan gazed into Eva’s eyes, an inch from her face. “If what you’re planning brings harm the Tower, then I WILL stop you.” Eva found herself showing her fear for a moment, realizing that Black was indeed serious, knowing from the scratches and dents in his armor that this Titan had fought and defeated countless foes. She took a breath and smiled up at him. “You can be very intimidating, to be sure, but I can assure you I am only an artist. I wish nothing but a new Golden Age for Humanity, where all Guardians use my Shaders and Emblems!” Black-25 pulled away, and turned to leave. He took a quick glance back to her, before he left. Eva waited for him to leave that wing of the Tower, before she activated a recording program on her multimedia device. “Note to self, keep an eye on Exo Titan, Black-25… He knows something.”



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