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1/5/2015 6:29:02 PM

**(360 Clan) Lighthearted ~ Recruiting**

Hellooo! I've recently started my clan Lighthearted and need a few members. This clan will be mostly casual. Right now I'm not going to have set days of the week for raids or strikes or playing crucible/story missions. It'll be "Oh hey you're online? Cool let's do a thing!" at least for a little while. Right now I'm working and sometimes play a little bit while I can, but my definite days off are Thursdays and Sundays so maybe there will be some set activities those days but meh. I don't really care about the ages of clan members, but don't act 7 and always spam "CAN U HLP M PLZ I NEED HLEP" cause I'm not about being a Destiny Mommy. I really enjoy mature people. Which means, no sexism, racism, or anything else that falls into line with that. I [i]do[/i] have a mic but hardly ever use it. And when I say hardly ever, I mean I literally haven't used it at all. But I will for raids or weekly strikes if the moment calls for it. Or when people are like, "WTF USE YOUR MIC DINGUS" To sum it up, Lighthearted is recruiting and it'll be very casual. Maturity is cool. Mic's aren't my forte but I can make myself use mine more often. And if you decide to join just know I love you and you are a cool bean. And my name is Jordan, obviously.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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